From Guest Blogger Brenda Coxe: Green Energy in a Computer-based World

As more people become concerned about the depletion of non-sustainable energy sources such as fossil fuels, there are concerns about using these sources of energy for the long-term and throughout the course of the day as we currently do non-sustainable energy sources. Of course, we also have to look at the fact that the non-sustainable sources will eventually run out—that is their nature—and if we don’t have something to replace it, the world will virtually come to a stand still.

Definition and Sources of Green Energy

By its very definition “green energy” or sustainable energy is an energy source that has the ability to meet the needs of the present without worrying about whether future generations will have enough energy to meet their needs. That means the energy source is one that has the ability to replenish itself within the lifetime of a human and does no long-term damage to the environment. Unlike the fossil fuels that have provided power for centuries, sustainable energy sources are very stable and nothing humans do can influence those sources—at least over the long-term.

What are the sources of sustainable energy and how do they work? While that is probably not something the average person can understand, it is important to understand why they exist. The following identifies some of those sources and how they contribute to the concept of green energy.

  • Nuclear fusion on the sun is a process that produces biofuels, solar power, wind power, wave power and others. Because of the primary source these sustainable energy sources will continue to replenish itself for many years—and even centuries—into the future.
  • The moon produces tidal power and is likely to continue doing so for at least another two billion years.
  • The earth will continue to generate geothermal power since it is not likely to cool down in the foreseeable future.

Sustainable Energy in the Computer Age

Because of concerns about the future of non-sustainable energy sources and its damaging effects on the environment many business entities are beginning to invest in green energy. While the main concern for many owners and managers is one of financial concerns, they are also concerned about the effects on the environment as well. One of the current trends toward green energy is the use of sustainable energy to run computer servers in data centers. While this is certainly not the only use for green energy, it is a good place to start. If we can get business owners into the habit of running their computer centers on green energy, the rest will just be a short step away.

Brenda Coxe is a full-time freelance writer who enjoys writing about financial topics, travel, and non-technical medical topics such as the job of an ultrasound technician. She also enjoys reading, writing and spending time with her family.

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