Google and Jim Inhofe

I don’t claim any inside track on what the hugely moneyed U.S.-based companies and the families that underlie them are doing – whether they’re the descendants of the Rockefellers and their 125-year-old oil companies, or the duPonts, or the new winners of the Internet era with their Facebooks and Amazons and Ebays.  But could this really be true?  Is Google really raising money for the re-election of Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the most obvious human reptile of 21st Century U.S. politics?  Could someone please tell me that I’ve misread this?

Here are a few pieces I’ve written on Inhofe, for newcomers to the subject.  Hope you haven’t eaten recently, because it’s a revolting story of rank stupidity (which I’ve come to accept as the norm) but worse, corruption in the extreme (which I will not).