Smart Grid Pushback

It’s hard to imagine anyone’s objecting to smart grid, a subject that holds so much potential to enable a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to generate, transmit, distribute and consume electrical energy.  When I first heard that there were people who proffered up serious concern about health and privacy issues, I recall asking, “How many?  Four?”  Sadly, the answer is that a lunatic fringe movement has grown up around this point, and that fringe, contrary to the definition of the word, is actually fairly robust. 

To these unfortunate and misguided souls, I suggest:

• If you’re concerned about risks to your health, just go into your nearest high school and speak about this with anyone who teaches science.

• If you’re sincerely worried about privacy and you use a computer or telephone, learn a bit about the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), whose invasion of your privacy is a billion times greater than your electric company’s knowing how and when you use the power you’re buying from them.

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3 comments on “Smart Grid Pushback
  1. Whilst I agree with you that smart grids are going to become increasingly important to the green movement, I don’t think that just because we’re already being spied on horrendously means we should offer up more information without care

  2. I hear you, Paul. It just seems that smart grid is an opportunity for each of us to make an extremely small sacrifice in order to achieve something of incredibly large value. It strikes me as a no-brainer. But hey, it’s just my opinion.

  3. If the lunatic fringe is so concerned about a loss of privacy to the smart grid I suggest they go off grid as quickly as possible. There. Problem solved.