Celebrating a Victory for the People of Vermont – Even If It’s Not in Renewable Energy  

Celebrating a Victory for the People of Vermont – Even If It’s Not in Renewable Energy It’s always heartening to see the will of the people vindicated, and it appears that this is exactly what’s happening in the food industry.  It looks like the state legislature in Vermont will be forcing Monsanto to label its GMO-based food, while outlawing the agri-giant’s practice of labeling such products as “natural” or “all-natural.”

Of course, this law has no impact on Monsanto’s practices in the other 49 states, though the author of the article linked above, Ronnie Cummins, the national director of the Organic Consumers Association (pictured), speculates that  Monsanto will not risk the anger that is bound to well up when people living outside of Vermont realize that they’re the victims of deceit.

I hope he’s right, but nothing is certain with these guys.  In particular, they don’t seem to mind that they’re by far the most broadly reviled corporation in the known universe.  The Neo-Nazis and the KKK have better reputations for decency and fairness, but, again, this doesn’t seem to set the wheels of any PR campaigns into motion.

This has always amazed me.  I’m guessing that one of the oil companies, perhaps ExxonMobil, is the second most despised corporate entity (I haven’t conducted a survey), but at least they’re trying to do something about that with their aggressive and ceaseless public communications: sponsoring PBS, publicizing their entry into the lithium-ion battery separator business, etc.

I really fail to comprehend Monsanto.

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One comment on “Celebrating a Victory for the People of Vermont – Even If It’s Not in Renewable Energy  
  1. If the “food” manufacturers aren’t sufficiently proud of their ingredients to confess them on their labels, then they shouldn’t be allowed to sneak them down our throats.