Telsa Motors Faces Threats, 24/7/365/…

Telsa Motors Faces Threats, 24/7/365/…It’s so incredibly rare that I agree with anyone who’s written something of any real meaning and value on the financial website Seeking Alpha on the subject of Telsa Motors I thought, I note this exception.

The author states that out-maneuvering its numerous and incredibly powerful competitors is going to be a huge task that will require years of carefully deployed tactics in all major business disciplines with very few slip-ups.  The auto, and, far more  importantly, the oil industry are working in teams around the clock, planning a way to squash Tesla.

What will be the strategic plan?  Might they “pull a Rockefeller” and offer a low-priced product at a loss in order to drive Tesla out of business?  Might they “pull an IBM,” and promote mountains of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt)?  That wouldn’t be hard, considering the noise we’ve been hearing (since I was a boy) about the wonders of hydrogen-fueled cars; they’re right around the corner!  Really!)

Then think about the fact that the companies that were successful in wresting control from the ultra-powerful corporate giants over the last half-century, e.g., Microsoft in IT or Apple in consumer electronics, were the singular focus of one (amazing) human being: (Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, respectively), where Elon Musk runs Space-X, Solar City, and Tesla.

He writes: “That certainly brings good risk diversification for Musk but not for Tesla.”

That’s exactly correct.  Good article.



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