Transitioning to Solar

Transitioning to SolarQuick conversation with a colleague in New York:

Colleague:  We will move from oil to natural gas and then to solar…it will take some time! Remember…we used to burn wood and coal…

Craig: True, these transitions have never happened overnight.  However, the amount of money and political power focused on maintaining the status quo has never been this strong.

Colleague:  It may take generations to be 100% solar…but decarbonization is the trend.

Craig: Again, that’s true.  The real question is when we’ll arrive there and how much damage will have been done.  In other words: Is that acceptable, i.e., that it may take generations?

A corollary question: Who’s going to make a buck in the process? The oil companies are looking for a reprise of their success in the 20th Century, and are holding Earth’s population hostage to make sure that happens.



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