From Guest Blogger Anita Ginsberg: Six Ways You Are Wasting Energy In Your Home And How To Stop

From Guest Blogger Anita Ginsberg: Six Ways You Are Wasting Energy In Your Home And How To StopSaving energy is more important than ever. After all, we’re in the middle of a climate crisis, natural energy reserves are drying up, and utility rates just keep rising. However, cutting energy usage is likely easier than you think. By following six simple steps, you may be able to significantly reduce your monthly usage without dramatically changing your lifestyle.

First, start with the outlets in your home. You may not realize it, but all those electronics you have plugged in are using power even when they are turned off. To eliminate that waste, you should unplug electronics when they are not in use. If that’s going to be too big of a hassle, consider swapping current outlets to a switch controlled unit. That way, you can cut off power to the outlet with literally the flick of a switch.

Don’t Forget To Power Off

Consider how much energy you waste by simply by being forgetful. There are a lot of things to distract us these days, so it shouldn’t be surprising we find it hard to turn off lights and turn down the thermostat before we leave for the day. This is where an energy management system can come in handy. With some upgrades to your home, you can control lights, electronics, appliances, and HVAC systems from anywhere with your computer, tablet, or smart phone. Besides saving you quite a bit of energy, this system is also just incredibly convenient. Alarm systems have the capability to remotely power off appliances and control lighting, helping you save on your utilities. Reading a NorthStar alarm review can help you better understand how you can save energy and money with a smart security system.

Water Heater

Traditional water heaters must keep a tank full of water hot at all times; this task takes up quite a bit of energy. To reduce that amount, get your water heater a jacket. These specially made blankets, which are available at most home improvement stores, help hold heat in. Besides cutting your energy bill, they will also help your water heater last longer. However, consider switching for a tankless water heater for even more energy savings. These units heat water right before it will be used; this means much less energy is required.

Light Bulbs

If you haven’t already, it really is time to switch to energy saving light bulbs. For years, people complained that fluorescent or LED bulbs just didn’t offer quite the same warmth. However, technology improved, and now energy saving bulbs look just as good as their wasteful counterparts. As an added bonus, energy saving bulbs last longer, so you won’t need to replace them quite as often.

Extra Insulation

Consider adding extra insulation to your attic or basement. These areas are frequently neglected during home construction to save money. Ironically enough, you’re actually wasting money by not putting in adequate insulation. Buy the highest R-value you can afford; the higher the R-value, the less heat transfer the insulation will allow. While you’re at it, consider putting additional insulation in rooms that seem harder to heat or cool. There’s a good chance that those rooms have inadequate insulation too.


Finally, you should check your windows for energy loss. Older windows, windows without weather stripping, and windows without drapes are likely letting far too much heat in or out of your home. If replacing your windows just seems like too high of a cost to swallow, check if there are any rebates offered by your city or utility company. Since upgrading your windows can significantly cut your energy usage, many municipalities and energy companies offer valuable rebates to encourage people to make the switch.

Increasing the efficiency in your home really is easier than you think. By following the six steps above, you will enjoy lower utility bills and feel better knowing that you’re making good choices for the environment.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Anita Ginsberg: Six Ways You Are Wasting Energy In Your Home And How To Stop
  1. Thanks for the great tips Anita! Saving energy is so important and it’s a lot easier than people think. I am a huge proponent of LED lights, because they are so energy efficient. I believe some people are hesitant to switch to LEDs at first, because they are slightly more expensive up-front; however, LEDs last up to 20 times longer than traditional bulbs, so they do not need to be purchased as often. If anyone is interested in more facts about LEDs, here is more information: