Most Renewable Energy Concepts

Most Renewable Energy ConceptsA reader responds to my piece “What Will Become of Most Renewable Energy Concepts?” as follows:

I sell energy every day and I would say watch more closely those you scoff at, as once the tax incentives go away so will solar become a side show…unfortunately.  It will require a new energy that defies current thinking and the need for tax incentives. It will not be solar and wind as they are too dependent, I see how businesses make their decisions around these products.

I hear you, but from where I sit I don’t believe you’re correct.  Some of the best arguments are made at EnergyFactCheck.Org.  On top of that, you have the ever-improving technologies, and the ever-growing economies of scale that solar PV and wind energy are experiencing on a day by day basis.  You also have conditions that look like the one pictured above; I have to believe there is a limit to people’s willingness to put up with this.

As I’m sure you know, I join you in the hope for some sort of technology breakthrough that makes all this moot.

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One comment on “Most Renewable Energy Concepts
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    This is one reason why Obama’s “all of the above” strategy is a failure in my estimation. If it were “all of the above ground” it would make more sense. The only government help fossil energy needs is out the door.