One’s Concern About Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Depends on Which End of the Boat One Occupies

It Would Be Funnier If It Weren’t True: One’s Concern About Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Depends on Which Side of the Boat One OccupiesDuring a call with some old friends the other evening, one of them mentioned the cartoon shown here, and its allusion to our civilization’s approach to climate change.  That’s the beauty of the art form: so much communicated so concisely, and using humor to drive home a lethally important point.

Countries with low elevations, e.g., the Netherlands and the Maldives, are rapidly finding themselves underwater, and, accordingly, are desperate to discover solutions to global warming and the consequent melting of the ice in Greenland and the Antarctic.  All the while, the people in the rest of the world doesn’t see the urgency…as if they lived on a different planet and could afford to watch all this happening.  A classic in the cartoon world….

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3 comments on “One’s Concern About Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Depends on Which End of the Boat One Occupies
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    Indeed. It’s also a classic mindset among shortsighted humans to expect that what doesn’t harm them personally and directly in this moment isn’t their problem. More enlightened humans know that issues affecting one population have ripple effects, and that our planet is a single organic whole. People who haven’t yet, have now to learn that when they throw things away, there really is no “away.”

  2. gina says:

    Hey Craig. I pinned this to my pintrest board. It’s so true.