Readers' Reaction to Brass Tack #1 on Electric Transportation

I want to thank readers for their enthusiasm for Brass Tack #1 on Electric Transportation. As I knew I would, I see an incredible spirit of devotion and commitment to ecological stewardship, and a positive attitude that something can be done to correct the mistakes we’ve made in the past.

I feel more strongly than ever that 2GreenEnergy will become a forum for meaningful discussions and a meeting place for likeminded people to share their ideas that will ultimately change the course of the entire civilization with respect to the health of our environment.

In the coming days, I will post my views on some of the concepts that have been raised in the comments, and so I encourage readers to post their viewpoints.

Again, please accept my sincere thanks.


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One comment on “Readers' Reaction to Brass Tack #1 on Electric Transportation
  1. david holden says:

    I have just completed reading ‘Brass Tacks #1′. Thank you for a most interesting essay.

    Bill Weavers dissertation does seem a little illogical. It could be said that it is not in the interests of Oil Companies to actively discourage EV adoption, (although BP would disagree) it is hard to follow his logic that Coal,Hydro and Nuclear Power companies would also discourage EV production.

    I can’t speak for the US utilities but in Australia, which has a very similar economic, social and industrial structure to the US , albeit on a much smaller scale , the major power companies are heavily engaged in supporting EV development. The largest of these Companies, AGL Ltd even formed a R&D alliance with “Better Place’. Now, I am no adherent to Shah Aggassi’s dubious scheme, but it does show the willingness of Power companies to support EV development.

    It is always a bit sad to see otherwise intelligent people, join the paranoid ranks of the conspiracy theorists. (maybe it’s a US thing !)

    I absolutely agree that marketing EV ‘s to small island nations, and particularly in hire situations would deliver the best results.

    Keep up the good work!