Call for Guest Bloggers

Call for Guest Bloggers

PhotobucketDo you have something you’d like to say to the thousands of people who visit us here at 2GreenEnergy? Would you like to write on the technology, the business, or the political aspects of what is arguably the most important issue of our time?

Let me invite you to be a guest blogger.

For one thing, it’s fun. When I start my day every morning, one of the things I most look forward to is reading the comments that have gone up in response to the various posts I’ve written.  There are some extremely insightful viewpoints — some of which align with my thinking, where others are in pretty hostile disagreement.  But “it’s all good,” as my son would say.

If anyone reading this would like to speak with a louder voice — as a guest blogger — I hope you’ll write in and let us know.  We’d be thrilled to have more divergent perspectives here — and we’re sure readers would like that as well.  Click here to CONTACT us.

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4 comments on “Call for Guest Bloggers
  1. barry nicholls says:

    How can we educate the rank and file citizen to the real costs of energy . There are so many sources of misinformation out there most of which seem politically motivated.We know that when you factor in external costs such as pollution and health issues the coal and oil industries become the most expensive alternatives for energy.And now with the most recent supreme court action there will be even greater funding of the wrong message!!! Grass roots like Craigs blog here are the best way to start .All major change in this country have come from people oriented movements.WE HAVE TO GET ACTIVE. Please forward this blog to your friends and get the groundswell of the people started .!! Also start by turning off yor darn fog lights

  2. A site well worth looking at, is Patrick Kellys free energy site.
    This has dozens and dozens of inventors who have put forward ideas for free energy.
    I am sure this will stir some inventors to have a go at replicating some of the very comprehensive detailed devices here.
    Now is certainly the time we could do with non-poluting free energy !!

  3. David Farmer says:

    I just learned about a kit to convert a Prius to a plug-in hybrid. I became an installer for them, and am looking for ways to get the word out. [remove advertising link] I would love to discuss and hear your thoughts.

    • Sorry to be so slow in responding. Please contact us at Huge traffic of EV enthusiasts, and a very aggressive advertising program. I’m sure we can help.