Big Energy and Big Conspiracy

My friend Cameron Atwood and I frequently discuss the underlying causes by which certain technologies are brought to market, where others never see the light of day. Here’s a small piece of a recent chat for anyone interested.

Cameron Atwood: Hey, Craig. Here is a link to YouTube videos featuring “free energy” inventions.

Craig Shields: Thanks, but I’m deeply skeptical. It’s funny, I believe in certain conspiracy theories and not others.  Regarding “free energy,” I have lots of Ph.D. level friends in industry who share my rock-solid belief in the conservation of energy.  The world’s brightest minds have been trying to beat this law for centuries. The idea that some guy who also sells a Ginsu Knife or a Pocket Fisherman has made a breakthrough here doesn’t hold water with me.  The concept that this guy is a fraud seems a million times more likely.  

CA: Craig, do you know that there are studies that show hemp oil cures many types of cancer? The AMA isn’t beating a path to the fields to grow and process it — and neither are the pharma companies.

There are dozens of ulcer ‘treatments’ still being pushed on the market, even though bismuth salts (Pepto Bismol) kills the H. Pylori virus that is the main causative factor nearly all ulcers.

Carburation techniques and engine designs have been known for decades that would result in powerful vehicles running on the highways at 80 to 100 MPG, yet they don’t exist in this country because of the influence of Big Oil.

Los Angeles once had the best public transportation system in the world, and it was ripped out by competing interests including GM, Gulf and Firestone.

Cargill and ADM keep the government focused on corn ethanol when switchgrass and algae are proven superior – and as you’ve pointed out, solar-thermal is the very best form of entirely free energy just waiting to be harnessed.

In all these cases, We the People were and are quite effectively prevented, dissuaded, diverted from beating a path to the better choice.

I know there are millions of penny-ante charlatans out there hawking pie-in-the-sky, to-good-to-be-true solutions to all sorts of everyday challenges.

However, I also know that there are plenty of affluent and greedy bastards out there along with them who are constantly doing all they can to continue preventing, dissuading, diverting the public and concealing, bribing and destroying the best solutions to a wide array of life’s most troubling difficulties.

CS: If it doesn’t make them profit, the corporations are apt to suppresses it; I really don’t think there is no question about that.  But the world of venture capital is at least as anxious to make a profit as the execs in the corporate boardrooms. And then you have the world of angel investors, most of whom honestly care about the world around them — of which there are thousands all over the world.  Trust me, there are millions of people who would run 100 MPH towards clean, cheap energy.

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One comment on “Big Energy and Big Conspiracy
  1. Electric cars are they conserving energy? Rev5

    Ask yourselves what is the real cost of “Electric Car”?

    Note: Electricity is a secondary form of energy derived by utilizing one form of energy to produce electric current.

    Let us look at the facts:

    In order to produce electricity, we need some form of energy to generate electricity, whereby you lose a substantial amount of your original source of energy in the generation process.
    In the process we are losing the efficiency of the initial energy source, since it is not a direct use of the energy.

    Let us take it a step further. To generate electricity we utilize; coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro electric – water, photovoltaic-solar, wind, geothermal, etc. Many electricity generating plants utilize fossil fuel, which creates pollution.

    Do you realize how much of the initial source of energy you lose to get the electricity you need for your electric automobile; you also lose electricity in the transmission lines.

    Why are we jumping to a new technology, without analyzing the economic cost, the effective return and efficiency of such technology; while computing and measuring its affect on the environment?

    Natural gas vehicles are a direct source of energy, where you get the most for your energy source – in efficiency and monetary value. Cost of natural gas to a comparable gallon of gas ranges around $1, it has higher octane and extends the life of your engine, it is also safer than gas. Natural gas vehicles have over 90% efficiency – Electric cars have just over 30% efficiency. Electric cars you loose some of the charge when the vehicle is idle for many days.

    In these hard economic times – I would think, you would want to get the most for your dollar – and not waste resources.

    Another economic impact would be the loss of road tax on fuel, these funds are used to build and maintain the highway infrastructure.

    “It is Cheaper to Save Energy than Make Energy”

    YJ Draiman, Director of Utilities & Sustainability

    Will High Electricity Rates Drive Innovation?
    Escalating costs of OIL will produce innovation!

    YJ Draiman’s vision is to make Los Angeles as the World Capital of Renewable energy and conservation.