Global Warming

Global Warming

PhotobucketTomorrow morning, I need to rush home from dropping my daughter off at school to be on a live radio broadcast, in which I’ll be speaking on the imperative to move to clean energy. Also featured on the program is a representative of the National Resources Defense Council. I interviewed someone from the NRDC for my book on renewables, so I’m fairly familiar with the cut of their jib. You have to like people who stand up and do the right thing under incredible pressure to yield.

In preparing for this live discussion, I’d like to try to concentrate on the basics of clean energy; I’d like to make this is simple and as black and white as possible. But that’s not easy. The more I learn about this the more complicated I understand it to be. There is a lot to discuss about the subject of global warming alone, for instance. But discussions on the subject are usually 10 parts politics for every one part honest, objective science. I could prove that 2 and 2 are 5, using logic that I find in a lot of places.

The fact is that almost everything you read was written for a reason – and that reason is very seldom to inform you of the complete unvarnished truth. We’ve all come across the idea that global warming is a hoax. There is a paper being circulated now that takes this a step further, alleging that the hoax is aimed at creating enough fear in people that they will accept increased infringements in their liberties and ultimately a unified and tyrannical world government.

Personally, I’m a bit skeptical. I have to ask — in my mind, who has more credibility: thousands of research scientists – many of whom I’ve met and come to know as trusted friends — or a guy writing a paper with outrageous ideas and essentially no supporting evidence? Hmmm.

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One comment on “Global Warming
  1. Alex C. says:

    The climate has warmed and cooled in the past and will in the future. The TRUTH is that the globe is NOT warming at this time. Look at the very latest scientific data. The UN “scientific” committee itself recently shared that there is no statistically significant warming in the past 15 years!! Why do we IGNORE facts??? It is also clear that very reputable scientists disagree on the facts and cause-effect. A big part of the issue is ground based temperature measurements in large urban cities are in fact warmer due to the heat sink effect of all the concrete and buildings. You can just look at your daily weather reports to see this. This provides a false perception that the globe is warming. The hockey stick simulation forecast is based on false assumptions. There is no clear consensus. Before we try to scare the world public into environmental extremism and costly controls we need to settle the science. With the email scams it is clear that the left-wing tree hugging ideologues have hurt their credibility and they have clearly tried to hide FACTS and TRUTH just to help persuade their ideological paradigm. It is a sad state of affairs when intelligent people cannot be objective. I encourage any reader to go to the following web site to learn more:
    This link includes 10 key facts and myths about Global Warming. I encourage all people of the planet to study and LEARN all the facts BEFORE making a judgment on policy and controls over CO2. Imaging the amount of $$ we could put into other clean energy technologies rather than be wasted in on CO2 controls. May the TRUTH set us free from false controls and may we spend out time and resources on clean energy technologies that will make a difference to our world….like nuclear power, low cost solar cells, low cost wind turbines, low cost hyrdrogen generation, low cost batteries, etc.