Preparing to Speak on Renewable Energy

Preparing to Speak on Renewable Energy

I’m going through an interesting exercise that I thought I’d share. In preparation for my upcoming speaking tour for my book on renewables, I’m working with some associates to “package” myself, and develop an online press kit.

As I’ve known for some time, the best overall strategy is to position one’s topic in the context of breaking news — relating the subject to the issues that are already on people’s minds. This really shouldn’t be too great a stretch, as renewables legitimately has touch-points into many dozens of different areas of great concern to anyone paying attention. I suppose I’m just lucky that the book is on clean energy and not a collection of recipes for baked chicken or some such.

I feel fairly well prepared to talk at a high level on the relationship between clean energy and any of the following, and I’ll certainly do some additional research to solidify my grasp before I go in to discuss:

Obvious issues:

Sustainability and environmentalism

Electric vehicle adoption

Smart grid

Wind, solar thermal, PV, geothermal, biomass, hydrokinetics

Renewable portfolio standards at the state and federal levels

Subsidies and incentives, carbon tax, cap and trade, other regulations


Other related issues in technology, economics, and politics

Business strategies of the corporate giants as they apply here, GE, Siemens, etc.

Jobs / unemployment

Midterm election results

Tax cuts – implications

Corporate lobbying and congressional ethics

Specific senators and representatives in the limelight, e.g., John Boehner

Oil spills and offshore oil drilling

China and India – energy policies of big players

Amazon protection

Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP – top issues

COP meetings: Copenhagen, Cancun


Wars, Al Quaeda, the Taliban, Iraq, Afghanistan

Nuclear arms proliferation

Storage of nuclear waste

Coal ash

Skyrocketing healthcare costs

Cancer rates

Socialism vs. capitalism, the limits of free-market capitalism, Wall Street vs. Main Street, etc.

Libertarianism vs. fascism

Democracy vs. oligarchy

Social ideas and ideal societies

Supreme Court decisions (e.g., Citizens United vs. Federal Election Committee) and the US Constitution

Important state referenda, e.g., California’s AB 32, Prop 23, Prop 16, etc.

Energy storage: nanotechnology, battery chemistries, potential shortages of lithium, rare earth elements, etc.

Other technology issues / potential breakthroughs: quantum physics as it applies to PV, cold fusion, etc.

I’ll just hope I don’t have to dodge a bunch of questions on baked chicken.

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