Electric Drive Transportation Association Conference
This year’s Electric Drive Transportation Association conference in Washington DC is shaping up to be a good one. Great agenda, lots of sponsors, and tons of high-level exhibitors. I’ll be there for two days, for a host of different reasons – one of which is the sheer joy of seeing all this moving forward. Steven Chu’s the keynote speaker, and I always enjoy listening to him, as well.
My hat’s off to the EDTA and its president Brian Wynne (whom I interviewed in Renewable Energy – Facts and Fantasies); they’ve done terrific work in pulling together causes that have disparate agendas, and moving the industry along as a cohesive unit.
I encourage anyone in town wishing to say hello to let me know.
Enjoy the Conference, Craig.
Tony Posawatz is the guy who said Chevy Volt’s battery cost will be cut by half in two years.
Yes, I ran into Tony at the conference, and interviewed him for a few minutes. He’s a good guy I’ve know for years, and he’s certainly been a wonderful spokesperson.