Electric Vehicle Adoption — What Do We Really Know?

Electric Vehicle Adoption — What Do We Really Know?

The talk I gave at the Electric Vehicle Summit last week is linked here, including the PowerPoint as well as the audio track.  I concluded it with a reminder that, in terms of the EV adoption curve, we don’t really know as much as we think we do. 

“Let’s put this in perspective,” I told the audience near the end of my 45-minute presentation.  “You folks are listening to me, and, I’d like to think, trusting what I’m telling you.  But I got my information from various sources, that, in turn, got their information from other sources.  At the end of the day, it’s possible that, pardon the pun, we’re all just breathing one another’s exhaust.  When there are so many variables, and so much of our world changes month to month, I look askance at  projections that go out 40 years.  I think you should too.” 

I read a poem (Please Mrs. Butler) that, in a round-about way, makes this point, i.e., maybe I’ve raised more questions than I’ve provided answers.  I acknowledged the chuckles I received, took a few questions, and sat down.  

But the idea that we think we know more than we do is an extremely important one; it certainly applies far more broadly than the EV adoption curve.  This subject, called “epistemic arrogance” lies at the root of so much of human folly.  I’m reminded of an eminent business leader I’ve met a few times who takes every opportunity to offer his position on global warming.  “It’s a hoax.  Mankind positively does not possess the power to alter the incredible power of nature.  The concept is absolutely idiotic,” he re-asserted at a recent meeting. 

“Are you sure?” I asked the first time I heard this, my jaw on the floor.  “I mean no offense — and I know there are ‘climate change deniers’ out there — but you seem quite certain about a proposition that flies in the teeth of the peer-reviewed findings that the vast majority of climate scientists have published over the last 30 years.”  But couldn’t get him to back off even a micron.

I’m wondering where we’re going to see the most dramatic and lethal evidence of our epistemic arrogance.  It certainly could be global warming, though there’s no reason to rule out nutrition.  The last hundred years has seen agricultural science develop hundreds of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, as well as farming methods that many say have ruined the soil.  Others believe that our GMOs represent a terrible biohazard.  Almost no one thinks that commercially raised tomatoes have any flavor, but, more importantly, anyone who’s studied the subject knows that the nutritional value of the food in our grocery stores is a small fraction of what it was a century ago.  

We also have skyrocketing rates of diseases that simply didn’t exist in the early 1900s. Is there a connection? 

And what’s the solution?  Should we feel comfortable with the approach that ADM, Monsanto, and the other agri-giants are taking, i.e., more unnatural processes and higher doses of more powerful chemicals — aimed at undoing the damage caused by the last round?

While it doesn’t seem likely to me that this will this fix the problem, and it’s certainly not the direction I’d be taking if I were directing this effort, I have to say what I wish other people would admit: “I don’t know.”

I’m reminded of an important idea in law called the Precautionary Principle, that requires the developer of an action or policy to prove that what he is advocating will cause no harm to the public or the environment.  I.e., if a concept could potentially contain a risk to public health and safety, the burden is placed on the concept’s proponents to prove that such risk does not exist, rather than on the public to prove that it does.  

But in cases like the food supply as discussed here, it’s obvious that we as a civilization are light-years away from any meaningful implementation of this principle.  Agribusiness makes decisions that affect the health of everyone living on this planet.  We eat what they feed us, and we suffer the consequences.

Occasionally it would be nice to hear, “Look, we clearly have no idea of the unintended consequences of what we’re doing here, so let’s err on the side of caution.”   Wouldn’t that be refreshing? 

But I’m not holding my breath.  What about you? 

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14 comments on “Electric Vehicle Adoption — What Do We Really Know?
  1. Mihai Grumazescu says:

    What you say is sooo true. Only fools and ignorant are sure of themselves all the time. Having a doubt from time to time is a sign of wisdom.
    I think the root of most of our problems and crisis is the “all for quick profit” conception driving all economic activities. It’s all about the rate of growth: if that rate is too high, a natural growth becomes a tumor. This lack of patience in making a profit when investing money or other resources is driving the economy and finally us to extinction.

    • Mihai Grumazescu says:

      Very sad and true, Craig.
      Probably addiction to greed and power have no cure. It transformed human brain and became viral.

  2. Steven Andrews says:

    Common sense tells us that the economics of electric vehicles is what is going to force everybody into using EV´s, nothing else. Big automakers are continually having problems and even General Motors, or, Government Motors has demonstrated that gasoline/diesel engine vehicles are on the way out. The problem is that the whole world is already addicted to oil. The transition is going to be slow, even if we would like it to be fast. Why? Because we can’t provide a new car to everybody on earth so fast, the recharging stations will also have to be multiplied, the batteries will have to be produced. The common sense tells us that we will have to build a whole infrastructure and that is going to take a long time. The economic readjustment will be catastrophic for some and a great opportunity for others, but it has to be done because there is no other solution. The crooked politicians and their corruptors will have to change, maybe disappear. The new industries and products will be here a step at a time, and maybe, if we all get involved, investments will go into the most effective industries. Electric vehicles can also be produced by the current car factories and the same employees. One of the most convincing advantages of the change is that oil will not have to be imported, the capitals would be kept at home; no wars over oil, no money for terrorists, more taxes for our govern1ments, more wealth at home, a better environment= everybody happy

  3. Profiteering is the word which comes to mind whenever I read about E.V.S.E these $3,000 electric outlets with a $1,500 instalation fee are a curse slowing the adoption of Electric Vehicles, created by profiteers. the equipment is actually just a “Special” outlet in the Bull Crap name of safety and yet those big bus like Recreational Vehicles also use 240 VAC at 50 Amps as the class 2 J1772 protocall but the outlet the RV plugs into is also a standard kitchen range outlet and the outlet installed costs about $250 with $25 for the outlet and $225 for labor and hookup wire and such. Why are Electric Vehicles being penalised with a unnecessary complicated connector and a complete charging station costing typically $3,000 plus $1,500 for labor. then the auto dealerships have the unmitigated gaul to demand that the $4,500 electric outlet be installed before they will sell one a new EV. And the justification is UL Lab approval but UL Labs has no authority to regulare anything thing that is plugged in. The authority ends at the first outlet connection. The entire situation is BOGUS. It seems to me to have the appearance of an “EV Charging Station Gate.” Perhaps an attourney cou find a group of EV owners to start a “Class Action” suit at $4,500 in damages for each one plus Punitive damages at many times that amount, could me millions easilly…

  4. Frank Eggers says:

    Much of what you write it quite true. Attempts to predict the future often fail. Electric vehicles may predominate, but there are also other possibilities. I’m guess guessing that electric cars will predominate.

    Regarding having more diseases now, that is questionable. For example, it is believed that George Washington had about NINE diseases during his life, including small pox, diphtheria, whooping cough, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, malaria, and TB. Many of those diseases are now either uncommon or non-existent, which is one of the reasons that life expectancy has greatly increased. Unfortunately, unwise use of chemicals has added health problems that previously did not exist and poor diet combined with insufficient exercise has increased the incidence of other problems, but overall we are now much better off.

  5. Chris O says:

    I agree that agricultural methods now are far inferior to that of centuries ago. It explains why life expectancy and the overall human population has dropped so dramatically since medieval times and so many people now die at a young age of diseases which rarely happened in the past. I’m not sure medieval agricultural methods were CO2 neutral though considering the climate changes that happened in the pre industrial revolution period.

    • Craig Shields says:

      Ha! Good points, Chris. I hope it turns out that you’re right, that all my concerns about the health, safety, and future happiness of mankind are unfounded.

  6. Chris O says:

    The precautionary principle sounds like a very wise idea. I guess it also means though that proponents of anti CO2 measures will first need to prove that their idea’s will cause no harm to the public or the environment. I hope they like challenges as much as they don’t like to be challenged…..

    • Craig Shields says:

      It’s true that the cure mustn’t be worse than the disease — and for climate change deniers, I can see that this could be an issue.

  7. CK SWAMY P.J says:

    Tuesday, 24 May, 2011 8:23 PM
    “swamy philip”
    View contact details
    techeditor@evworld.com, tenthnov57@yahoo.com
    Dear Mike Brace
    Its better to keep talking why because When I signed to THE EVWORLD.COM my first thing was to get people of cleaner technology related.

    As days went I started feeling for Bill Moore He was so simple in his approach and dedication towards his site and he requested everyone of us to subscribe for a little payment and I can understand his pains to get evworld.com according to my own experience and what I personally gained from him are immense

    I cant describe in few words.
    I was believing one day he will understand my worthy till than I simply moved along with him and I suggested to consult between parties so he started his consultancy by 2008 and since then things gone awary in my life I little time took to rejuvenate and came this news of UTC report and the following comments from him took a mad turn thats when I felt sorry for him and anger over him but ultimately I reached out to contact there I got all of your address I posted my dissatisfaction over your handling about your office just for nothing even though you all may feel comfortable at your profit margins thats far below than what I think its not enough by running the show in a manner through your 13 years of experiences up till now your office should have played a mediator role to completing few deals and moved upward taking bigger projects challenges is my pain when I seen Bills ranting about utc’s report and pricing Let them price their report and do what they feel its their agenda and your office if can point out their mistakes giving examples such as UN ‘s report about Cleaner tech has to follow six steps I got that article I may post to you it says clearly what are few right things all utility service provider and all stake holders alike should follow.I dont have at this point its url dear Mike Brace.

    Now let me clear the clouds of you all here once for all about my expertise and why I lost my cool in my last mail its about your office never tried in this 8 years time to know my expertise in a cleaner tech even I challenge ” GENERAL ELECTRICS ” and all and every new or the old players all are in the same league of defaulter lists failed to deliver in what they took charge of doing good to the society and for the common mans well being when they made the huge profits through unethical means and ways of their business practices while there were ample funds and manpower for R&D they still not raised above the asking calls of the public and the laws of the land either where they failed to curb this long outstanding call for the greener tech they on paper and medias fooled making the huge profits not able to pin point the flaws in their R&D ‘S improvements that were near possible according to my thinking that I since 1987 working and since 1998 with a clear win win proto type model in which I developed and tested rigorously for its dependency wear and tear following the whole world standards measurements what a real consumers at his day to day uses he will benefit and how much his cost the results after his service from my innovations if I would say no one matched my design nor any one imagined yet for that matter forget about their whole future strategies I following none are any closer to my innovation Mike Brace

    Now its a years gone and still I thought I will use Bills consultancy what best I can feel the most comfortable with him was my belief was shattered when Bill ranting utc’s price and his own reports for till May 10 for &190 put me to know how weak your office functioning with little knowledge far bellow the standards of the huge demands for the cleaner world by the worlds of suffering publics are in the hands of wrong greedy powerful lobbies one hand on the other if Bill and CO being insensitive of the same common man made me really SIC Mike Brace.

    What else my observation from these 13 years exactly I put up equally like Bill in this area now going out of hands you see in INDIA there are new cities are planned to develop and as world took to blaming CHINA AND INDIA AS ITS ECONOMIC NEW FOUND SUCCESSFUL MARCHING FORWARD World may look threatening and its true to some extentend IN TWO PROFOUND WAYS One is its new infrastructure which its developments according to my known knowledge and technical know how its the wrong road map in its whole developments whether in China or in INDIA both are investing hugely but not on a right technology know how but its those “FLY BY NIGHT ” BUSINESS HOUSES ARE GOING TO BENEFIT LEAVING THE GOVERNMENTS POCKET A HUGE HOLE WHICH IN FUTUREBOTH THE GOVERNMENT WHEN IT HAS TIME TO GET HOLD THIS WONT HAPPEN NOW ALREADY THE DAMAGES ARE GOING ON FASTER THAN ANY ONE AGENCY CAN PIN POINT THIS TROUBLES ME THE ACTUAL RESOURCES OF GOVERNMENT GOING ASHES TO BY GREEDY PARTIES I CANT BLAME THE EITHER GOVERNMENTS BUT BILL.Mike Brace

    Why because the whole advantages I had since 2003 and before as well if Bill even if reffered my case to some real partner or if I found what Bill has no capacity to deal in such a highly super technological understanding of him so poor either if I had the same what I recently found is a sorry state I can’t understand how in this world I put my whole trust on one man called Bill I thinking he is a thorough gentleman and he is there is no doubt about this of his decency but what is required in such a mankinds life between devil and the sea like situation a single act of true usefulness are far enough from the whole sentimental non working deeds left so many years wasted is my true concerns which even now if your office ready to take you can stop this un warranted destroyal marching ahead of plenty all over the world on a war footing like situations in what ever manner in what ever that can take to inform this world about not my fame I starve for but what already damaged cost can be reduced to its bare minimum if this wrong notion about me if your office stopping even if the same if that takes to reach out USA President OBAMA according to my plan that are not going to suck any single countries huge dollars but like POLIO THE TECHNOLOGY IF KNOWN BY WORLD OF EXPERTS AND RELATED EXPERT PANNALS AND THE FOLLOWING ASSURANCES GOVERNMENTS MAKING SURE ITS GOING TO SAVE NOT ONLY BILLIONS OF US DOLLARS OF USA BUT ALSO WITHIN A SHORT SPAN ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE MEASURES ARE FOR SURE TAKEN AT THE SAME TIME FRAME PERIODS AMONG ALL THE SIGNATARY COUNTRIES OF THE 1997 KOYOTO OR THE RECENT COPHENEGAN 2009 DECEMBER WHICH EVER IS SUITABLE BUT ITS THOSE POORS LIVES IF I CAN SAVE AND PUT THEIR LIVES WITH THE ASSURANCES DIGNIFIED MANNER THATS MY VICTORY OVER ENVIRONMENTAL SERIOUS ISSUES IS MY CONCERN UPMOST IN MY MIND I INFORM YOU TODAY EVEN WE NOT LOST ALL BUT ITS THE SOONER THE BETTER Mike Brace.

    Tell me can tour office can take forward to President OBAMA than asking him to follow which no one is sure this and that will work in that sure doubts Bill had before now I will open up from USA that I trust USA how for THE POLIO IT DID FOR THE WHOLE MANKIND IT WILL DO AGAIN IF ONLY IT HAD THE REQUIRED TECHNOLGY IN WITH IT I mean in the absence of such tech how one can question OBAMA Alone while greedy parties on their usual rampage looting AMERICAN CITIZENS HARD PAID TAX DONT YOU ALL THINK ITS THUS SUCKED THROUGH LEAVING ASIDE THE POOR MAN AND ELSE WHERE THE STORYS ARE NO DIFFERENT Mike Brace
    Get back to me in true spirit and know more how we can go by Mike Brace
    Thanks and god bless you all
    Do remember. “All ambitions are legitimate but not of from the MISERIES AND CREDULITY OF OTHERS ”

    This both are going on so believe me Mike Brace
    its enough you have your huge profits after serving humanly and legitimately no one will question our joint working towards better world by 2015 is my vision Mike Brace a complete change over make over worl will experience from our one act of usefulness from don’t waste it

    I sincerely
    CK SWAMY PJ 23,May,Tuesday,2011

    Let them do in what they feel and so what your
    — On Mon, 23/5/11, Mike Brace wrote:

    From: Mike Brace
    To: ushinedatme@yahoo.co.in
    Date: Monday, 23 May, 2011, 10:39 PM

    So you wish for us to invest in your technology?

    Mike Brace
    Partner, EV World & Assoc, LLC

    From: swamy philip
    Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 4:05 AM
    To: techeditor@evworld.com, TENTHNOV57@YAHOO.COM

    Mike Brace <techeditor@evworld.com

    — On Thu, 19/5/11, Mike Brace wrote:

    From: Mike Brace
    To: ushinedatme@yahoo.co.in
    Date: Thursday, 19 May, 2011, 8:27 PM


    I don’t understand…what exactly is your complaint (or observations)? It is difficult to filter through your response to determine what you are asking us for.


    Mike Brace
    Partner, EV World & Assoc, LLC

    Mike Brace
    Partner, EV World & Assoc, LLC

    Dear Mike Brace.
    Let me thank you first for you fast reply that may take us forward or not it lot depends on our mutual understanding How from here to there we both I mean Mr Bill Moore team and my team

    Its as simple as any simple talks between two people.

    Let us think now its about here ” Cleaner Energy ” or The Cleaner technology ” or The Electric Vehicles .

    Its all about .

    Now Let me clear the clouds of doubts of you all there at {evworld.com} I got connected to this site in a hope to partner to join any through evworld being center of hub connecting business people of all nature from The Toyota to a small businessman with whom I thought to take the first step in the right business sense since 2003 and I thus when Bill More announced his free evworld no more but it will be available for a little fee from The January 2004.

    Its his right business to take further while it was a time I am fully charged up to finish the { Mega Deal } with Bill More or through Bill More teams of experts,which never happened till date.is what it surprises me.

    How in this world people get connected to each other for their successful business ventures are not the motives of evworld.com but to what even it exsist here online I am yet to find from him Mr Bill Moore as I phoned him in the year 2008 May had a little talk and he connected me to Indian I don’t know his name he called up put to me a stupid questions I got the line cut and surprised about Bill what he cant’ talk to me after my call one point.

    If I would to say I am an ” Inventor ” things would have been better if only he Bill would have taken a few minitues with me on phone and understood why I called up at his phone number personally.

    Things would have been better in what he ranted about ” PRIORITIES ” this he not supposed to question the common publics or some rich people going for speed boats rather than going for Hybrids to reduse the carbon footprints are few super technical terms instead of simple languages can be used for the ease of common man who is really serious as any environmentalists or an experts would be.

    What happens Common man is driven away from the issues that he do well aware what is happening around him but these experts over hyped statistics reports as a news when put in front of him he scares and follow the time tested even the BIG EVILS IN WHAT WE ALL COMPLAIN THAT DOES NOT GOES WELL WITH HIM .

    Thus the easier non complcated problems due to self interest of few took this world far from the real realities and we face a daunting task of problems going out of control which given the time to EVIL FORCES TO REGROUP AND REMAIN IN THEIR EVIL DEEDS and if we cry this and that and this and that are not happening I don’t agree.

    As I mentioned I came to evworld.com to get my deal completed that was my super expertise then and even now I am therefore I am awaited,awaiting but now in a much matured ways and means NO HYPES NO FRUSTRATIONS AND NO FOOLING PUBLICS I sooner will complete belive me as things are changing with Environment is not a mere issues but ITS A SERIOUS ISSUES ONE MUST DEAL FASTER no Reports is matchable nor people wants the reports from any .


    To say in simple words “Those who have nothing they really a groups to be scared rather than the consumers Any how they pay through knows the higher price and make up their lives to whom if vested people give one more mere reports they are not going to buy it but the technology through life of them can be eased instead of this simple steps vested groups if say this and that and this and that and this and that.

    What to write I dont know any how
    Mike Brace Today I wish to make a deal with The Evworld Expert teams as you ranted about the UTC REPORT for selling it for $3499 for the same price I will sell my ” Inventions ” to some millions and to leaders of states heads my whole secrets of How Billions of marginalized poorest people who don’t have access to good education,good healthy life,good healthy food,drinking water,electricity lives on the hand outs from the respective Governments in place of an appropriate technology that in the lines of an well educated entrepreneurs how getting to all Government grants,banks loans and higher connections that facilities helps their well being in the society are denied to the poors I wish take these below one Dollars a day living poors to employable status and contributions from them towards their respective states,Governments like any TOM and HARRY in his well pressed Suits how he/she brought this world to worst stage can’t be permitted any more but taking this marginalized strenghts that will not only stop people miggarating to over crowded cities which are easily put by UN,and other pundits which are true future life threatening news.

    I know if mobile towers at the rural is an essence of global corporates strategy Why not poors technology cannot be for poors run by poors and self help themselves for a dignified life and solving foods shortages,saving forests and the ecologies and the most you employ them productively exclusively let them add values to the main streams publics evils an a opposite good force to control the damages done by the rest educated mass a balance of first steps towards environmental damages repaired solved with no more reports either of your office nor of utc’s will have any impact over the serious issue but a right technology can I have since 1998 through that truths of scale I can view every articles news clearly How people of higher educational cheats the publics alike rich and poors but do remember poors suffer most.

    Feel shame not taking actions here I used very basic english languages where my truths don’t need hype nor super complicated technical words to use to show How Sophisticated I am with a highest education lives on lies a whole life gone into such life is a life worst than the terrorist who kills the few announcing before and after the attacks while we attack in styles of cover of deciets business practices millions daily feel shame or else the day are counted from heaven the scale you measure in the same scale your life will be measured.

    At least they the poor got to know how he suffers while your luxury life today would be your miserable days.

    I really think what evworld team are ready to solve rather stick to their complain malaise practice is to be seen.

    Aldrus Husley has said that “Every man who know’s How to read has in his power to MAGNIFY the WAYS in WHICH he EXSISTS to MAKE IS LIFE SIGNIFICANT AND INTERESTING ”

    I with this finer quote wish to take leave if you still show doubts of me being here a simple time waster you can do so .

    God bless

    I sincerely.

    Mike Brace <techeditor@evworld.com
    From: swamy philip
    Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 5:56 AM
    To: reports@evworld.com, editor@evworld.com, techeditor@evworld.com, sam_smith@teamevworld.com, tenthnov57@yahoo.com, ashokpal246@gmail.com

    reports@evworld.com, editor@evworld.com, techeditor@evworld.com, sam_smith@teamevworld.com,tenthnov57@yahoo.com,ashokpal246@gmail.com

    — On Mon, 9/5/11, reports@evworld.com

    editor@evworld.com, techeditor@evworld.com, sam_smith@teamevworld.com

    Re: EV World Comments Confirmation [Currents 435358]
    J. William Moore Publisher, Editor-in-Chief,Technical Editor,EV World & Associates, LLC [Business Consulting]
    Managing Partner
    Sam Smith
    Michael Brace
    01 [402] 339-9877 EVWorld.Com, Inc.
    P.O. Box 461132
    Papillion, Nebraska 68046

    Technical Editor
    Michael Brace
    01 [606] 584-2723

    EV World & Associates, LLC [Business Consulting]
    Managing Partner
    Sam Smith
    01 [562]676-5534

    — On Wed, 18/5/11, editor@evworld.com ; wrote

    J. William Moore Publisher, Editor-in-Chief,Technical Editor,EV World & Associates, LLC [Business Consulting]
    Managing Partner
    Sam Smith
    Michael Brace


    Its to you all I address here to make clear about my good-will and my clear intentions about my true feelings its not to malaise Mr Bill More but I could not ultimately so I came out just to see any good feelings in between us if prevail I must know the same from you all for sure

    As I very often feel comments to the articles never read by your office and no direct reply either is given to the concerned parties including me .

    But I get my regular evworlds news since 2003.Thanks to Mr Bill More and his whole team.

    My getting registrations to the evworld.com was not a mere act of just to receive EV’s news but was to get with the like minded people as I am sure to reach out to those globals interesting groups .

    While these global original car manufacturers are rouges and they prove a tough nut to crack their evil side of business model one must come out with real problem solving technology is the only methodology rather then day after days news does not going to solve the ongoing serious issues but its the idea and that idea of its kind you see when the IT industry was running well by three or more few players such as Microsoft,Google,Yahoo all was well.

    In 2004 Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook a social networking site started surfacing with his age was the main factor that I was hooked to It was written about and his net worth.

    Now its a year 2011 less than eight years in comparrision if I were to tell the truths Y ahoo was since years and many Indian companies never valuated their assets likes in America its a new trend now Indian companies rejig their valuation to get their house order.

    Why I go in detail which is not in essence my mail to you is any related here to your interest but its how business how it gets in and takes over this worlds imaginations into their success now we all know how Google and Facebook were calculating to acquire SKYPE was surfacing MICROSOFT CAME IN AND COMPLETED THE DEAL FOR $8.5 BILLION.

    Skype was started in 2003 and there was a valuation problem just some $3 Billion or lesser was the case that put Google and Facebook to wait and watch but MICROSOFT did it.

    Like Mr Bill is in the business of evworld.com since 1998 and his service is it made sure to collect news from all quarters and publish or its more to it to find right people who have the right skills and right innovative idea no matter I have seen TOYOTA never accepted the good-will customers suggestions but just inform they will look into the matter when it was cited some good innovtive improvements at its “HYBRID MODEL “PRIUS” and its the turn of TOYOTA CAME OUT WITH SOME RESEARCH OF A MILLION SALES IT COMPLETED AND CELEBRATING IT.

    What I wish to ask Bill and every one if I say better than “PRIUS” I had since 1998 and the same I conveyed to the TOYOTA IN THEIR 2002 Indian AUTO SHOW @DELHI.

    Following their asking me to visit their Bangalore plant and nothing followed such a rouge company I know the TOYOTA.

    I still challenge the Toyota BILL AND YOU ALL THIS I INFORM now but I out grown far behind the greedy business practice to a good global citizen.

    I hope Bill may think I am nothing but a joker from India just try to reach him and do remember I come from TAMIL NADU SOUTH OF INDIA THAT SOUTH STATE GIVEN TWO NOBEL LAUREATES BILL.

    We Tamilians are proud to call ourselves A TAMILIAN and if you feel America can do all the tech or high tech you are for the shock Bill.

    Why I coming out clearly never blame any or like you vented out on UTC reports that shows how confused you are that means your whole this years of experiences never taken your thinking to a level it is generally called an ellevated higher thinking that you can see in JK ROWLING The Harry Potter Author and the Facebooks founder Mark Zukerberg they never complained about any businesses but gone on to make their innovative ideas work for the consumers and created his net worth some say $55 bm some say $19.5bn what he is a billionaire list Forbes reported thats the works of one individuals should be allowed to speak rather than one if curse other business model and think of self of where one stand thats a nonsense I feel Bill.

    I given enough clues and to Graig Shields of 2geenenergy as well you both joined hand to promote WHAT I AM YET TO COME TO UNDERSTAND .

    Its like an accident victim needed an urgent medical attention if he is given advice about How difficult times he has to face from the spot of accident to his hospital and by doctors at the hospital thus If the precise times if any consultant gets in and talks to the victim.

    Imagine Bill this is what your whole news model news I read and no suitable actions following that is a times with you my times spent but you gone little further saying your wife pointed about the expensive Boats and peoples PRIORITIES.

    What to write I have to think because I always followed my utmost decency all these years and I wish to continue but my politeness does not works in between to mush is gone under the bridge Bills.

    Enough is enough we reach to so I am reached Why Bill you curse US President Obama. and the UTC reports as well you never bothered to find people who can prove that BIG CHANGE but your reporting style may be a news worthy but your ultimate wishes and ours as well Bill if put together you never comes closer to our aspiration but you do comes out with news its just for the news sake is fine but what is expected of you to find the right people through your site and make this world a BETTER PLACE HAS BEEN JUST YOU MAKE THIS SIMPLE STEP A HUGE PROBLEMS IF THIS I HAVE TO FOLLOWED I WONT REACH TO MY GOOD SENSE BUT I DO MAY BECOME A FOOL Dear Bill.


    Its a shame of us being here and confusing the society as well those INNOCENT PUBLIC.



    I expect from you one decent reply that may be a MIRACLES HOURS BEGUN to say something good think good the results would be good its me and my years I spent yes we can go on blame this world but dont forget Bill its we took to solve the problems here then WHY blame any.

    I hope to get a nice reply from you since 2003 I got signed to your site in my hope to meet people and create a BETTER WORLD.

    Now I realize every site just to become one more BILL GATE are working but you should know you can better even BILL GATE if only you stand alone idea Bill
    From: editor@evworld.com
    Subject: EV World Comments Confirmation [Currents 435358]
    To: ushinedatme@yahoo.co.in
    Date: Wednesday, 18 May, 2011, 3:31 PM

    In order for your comments to appear on EV World, please confirm that you posted the following remarks:

    $3,500 $3,500 desire
    :my tweets (@vcantogetherdo) on Twitter
    It’s sad to know from Bill about Bass Boats and Personal Priorities What he came out is nothing a frustrations of his life which he reads,meets people of all walks from ,experts,attends conferences but what he got out from all nothing but still his news from THE EVWORLD.COM is a one another news site that does not have that truths from which like minded e people to innovators alike 2 see through some real actions that can make us hope for the best future ahead I am in
    :my tweets (@vcantogetherdo) on Twitter please check me what my beliefs are while Bill feels all is not well WHY NOT BILL The same I told you in the 2003 if taken forward at the same price or lesser according to its mass productions these BOATS Might been electric so the EV’s with lesser preasures on us as well over respective Governments but You in particularly never think that its just within our power to solve this globals serious issues but what happens is making joker out of someones really pushes you out from your secure hide out with out self protections clean frustrated man out from 1998 YOU BEGUN since I contacted you in 2003 and from 2003 till date you never changed Bill but I am lot changed with you and without you to inform you with the UTC REPORT ASKING PRICE OF $3,500 my OFFER FOR THE WHOLE( INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ) IPR I OFFER FOR THE SAME $3,500 A CLEANER TECH AND THIS TO CRAIG SHEILDS OF 2GREENENERGY.COM TO BOTH I TODAY NEITHER FRUSTRATED NOR LOST HOPES AND WORRY THAT CREATES MUCH MORE CONFUSIONS THUS THE OUT COME OF UTC TROUBLES WHY WORRY THOSE SUCH BAD REPORTS WHEN ONES CALCULATIONS ARE CLEAR LIKE I AM BILL THANKS REALITY HURTS SWAMY 15.28HRS,18,MAY2011


    Click or Cut & Paste this link to confirm your remarks: http://evworld.com/queries/comment_confirm.cfm?id=435358

    EV World Editorial Staff


    From: reports@evworld.com
    To: ushinedatme@yahoo.co.in
    Date: Monday, 9 May, 2011, 8:15 PM

    Dear EV World Reader,

    How certain are you about the business and investing future of the Electric Vehicles industry?

    If you search Google for “Electric Car Investments” or the “Business of Electric Vehicles,” you’ll find over 12 million results for the first and over 21 million results for the latter.

    It’s an exciting time for those looking to profit in the EV space and the torrent of new information from innumerable sources is testament to the tremendous demand of business and investing minds seeking to capitalize on the latest emerging trends.

    But in spite of the volume of information available, you are confronted by two immediate challenges as soon as you endeavor to distinguish the most relevant business undercurrents from an infinite sea of information:

    1) The sheer magnitude of available info makes it impossible to quickly ascertain the top trends that are defining the new future of electric vehicles.

    2) Even if you are a multi-year EV industry insider, who is daily consuming a plethora of research and data on the subject, and more importantly, interacting with the primary leaders of the EV industry on an ongoing basis, are you still able to contemplate the high-level view while isolating specific key facets – all independent of your own personal business interests?


    In my 13 years of reporting on the EV industry, we are currently amidst a tidal shift of challenges and opportunities, the likes of which I have not previously witnessed. As a result, I’m offering my first-ever premium report that concisely articulates, in 68 pages, the culmination of all my contacts, experiences and research in the industry.

    Business analysts who require the most cogent and high-level perspective on all important aspects of the EV industry will consider this report to be their most important reference guiding their decisions.

    Investors will immediately pore through the 16 specific opportunities I rank in terms of profitability. Although my “Probable Success Rating” depicts a “1 to 5” scale regarding the fundamental profit potential of each company, savvy investors will be just as respectful of the lower and even middle rated items as the highest ones, since some of the â€oleast likely to succeedâ€? opportunities are also darlings of the media. Which means this report will represent untold value for keeping responsible investors away from some of the most touted flavors-of-the-day.

    The report is only $395.00 and you can download it immediately. It also comes with a 100% no-questions-asked money back guarantee. You’ll receive an immediate refund just for asking.

    As a short-term incentive to those desiring to be among the very first to buy and read this report, it is available from the publisher of the report, at 2GreenEnergy.com, for $195.00 until May 10, 2011.

    Click this link for more information: http://2greenenergy.com/evtrends/

    Bill Moore

    PS: Again, I wish to emphasize that this report is backed by a 100% no-questions-asked money back guarantee. Just click â€oCONTACTâ€? on any page of 2GreenEnergy.com and ask for a refund — and you’ll receive it right away.

  8. CK SWAMY P.J says:

    Dear Graig have you know the FACEBOOK.COM and its bench mark it set for all to get awakened.
    You read my following posted mail,s with EVWORLD.COM Editor Bill Moore.
    There was a new research firm its there in my whole correspondent with his office He being since 1006 not grown even he visits places and meets people and his comments and frustrations about everything he expressed I personally watch him and I feel sorry .Now the same with you dear What others are a simple people with no knowledge of Bill or You Graig.Do remember no one quided Mark Zukerberg Who is worth $19.8 Billion USD.He created with no one but a trusted few today he is woth $80 Billion USD.When I read your week after week mails I go really mad Graig seeing I remember this quote.” If you listen to intellect you can’t love you can’t have friendships and you can’t have business Every time you have to jump from the top of a mountain while coming down creating your own wings “What I read ” EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE | You and Bill must read its thus you take your loyal readers worst than thus deniers of Climate Change and do remember they are well taken care by thus rich oil companies to spread their evils and your wisdom is like wiser people with full of doubts Why I write if the business of greed pushes through our throats their agenda’s where you stand to correct this on going slaughter on humans Instead getting people to solve on board you simply look your business intrests so they why blame them and I never got your single reply on my own reaching out Why you simply misguide innocent people on earth I feel ” SIC ”
    ck swamy p.j

  9. CK SWAMY P.J says:

    Even corrupted mind is about complaining of other’s follies while hiding our own in a manner no one can find like here Graig corrupt news even dangerous when it spread like you do corrupts even the good souls to imagine every thing is moving wrong while the realty is people do PR works for some one to gain is what I feel about you and The comments what I read from those loyal to you following shows how innocent they are till you have them you can go on and on while the real realty is time is going out you support those business above $5 million and believe me those business even are founded on the regular doings and that all are failing to know read this this news from NEW YORK TIMES NEWS .Is it a one more lie ?So check with me and read this below New York times news page one and two

    U.S. Is Falling Behind in the Business of ‘Green’
    Published: June 8, 2011
    United States because of “uncertainties surrounding key policies and incentives.”

    “This is a $5 trillion business and if we fail to be serious players in the new energy economy, the costs will be staggering to this country,” said Hal Harvey, a Stanford engineer who was an adviser to both the Clinton and the first Bush administration and is now chief executive of the San Francisco-based energy and environment nonprofit organization Climate Works. Although the 2009 stimulus bill provided a burst of funding — $45 billion — that has now tapered off, he said, “We’ve let energy policy succumb to partisan politics.”

    Will United States companies be able to compete on the world market in the future?

    Not unless the country invests more in basic research in renewable energy and energy efficiency, said Emily Carter, a professor of energy and the environment at Princeton University. “If we don’t invest in ways to efficiently produce sustainable energy, then I worry that once we stop importing from the Middle East, we’ll simply find ourselves importing from China.”
    « Previous Page

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    Now you may ask me what is my business ?

  10. Glenn Doty says:

    Craig… You may wish to incorporate some kind of post-abbreviating mechanism into your comment thread… I doubt that anyone will read my comment other than (hopefully) you.

    But I think that the precautionary principle is an extremely valid point to raise when discussing EV’s. With our current grid, nearly 100% of the energy used to power EV’s will be coal. That means that a Nissan Leaf will cause more than twice the emissions/mile as a Toyota Prius, and that’s only the marginal emissions. Once the initial capital emissions are considered, it will be significantly worse still.

    That’s if people charge EV’s slowly at night. By using daytime charging, then they can shift some of the burden to natural gas, for a coal/gas mixture of inputs… The emissions for the Leaf will still be worse than for a Prius, but not fantastically worse. But now we have a serious threat to grid integrity: rolling blackouts and brownouts and forced massive grid upgrades.

    In no way would EV’s be better for the environment than HEV’s – which are far less expensive.

    The only cases where that is likely to not be the case within the next 2 decades will be specific regions of the wind belt with very low population densities, where no-one would ever consider or except a range-restricted vehicle.

    EV’s will universally do far greater harm than ICEV’s if you compare similar size vehicles. So why are they being pushed as “green”?