Good Day at the Renewable Energy Finance Forum

I’m almost too tired to write.  A total of about six hours of sleep in the past two nights has hit me hard.  I used to do this stuff standing on my head 20 years ago, but it’s starting to affect me at this point.

In any case, it’s wonderful being back in New York City for the Renewable Energy Finance Forum at the Waldorf Astoria, and the traditional cocktail reception next door at St. Barts church.  If you think it’s strange that an Episcopalian church built in 1872 transforms itself into a gin joint in the evenings, I have to confess that the thought crossed my mind too.  I’m told that times got tough and they needed the money.  As I mentioned to one of the people working there at last year’s event, “I’m  glad I wasn’t in the room when the suggestion was made that a house of God double as a bar.  It must have been an awkward moment.”

In any case, the day was terrific.  In addition to the action at the conference, I had two apppointments elsewhere in Manhattan with some top-level investors that went really well.  Time for some sleep.



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