From Guest-Blogger Mathias: California's Solar Power Generation Hits 1 Gigawatt

The recent heat wave has brought the total electricity being generated by Californian solar power past 1,000 MW (1 GW) – about the same as two large power plants running on coal or gas. 

This was reported by California Independent System Operator Corp. (California ISO), which is in charge of the wholesale transmission grid. Steve Berberich, the CEO of California ISO, stated that they currently have an installed solar capacity of 1,160 MW. The recent achievement puts the state a big step closer to reaching their goal of 33% renewable by 2020, which is considered to be the most ambitious green power goal in U.S.

California energy officials celebrated the new milestone in Sacramento yesterday where over 500 energy leaders and stakeholders attended. The ISO Stakeholder Symposium is an annual meeting where participants have the opportunity to bring up important topics in the energy and environment sector.

Non-profit California ISO has partners in around one hundred client organizations, and is dedicated to “the continual development and reliable operation of a modern grid that operates for the benefit of consumers.”


Written by Mathias from Energy Informative.

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