Engineering-related Internship at 2GreenEnergy

I just had a conversation with a college engineering student looking to do an internship at 2GreenEnergy.  I sure hope this works out, as it’s a terrific “win-win-win,” as I like to call it:  a) 2GreenEnergy gets more high-quality content, b) the intern learns a great deal about a certain area and develops better writing skills, and c) the world benefits from more information on an important topic.

Here’s what I wrote in response:

Per our talk on the phone just now, we at would be very happy to have you perform an engineering-related internship, whose concept is researching and reporting on the current and future breakthroughs in the various “flavors” of renewable energy.  Of course, a great deal of this work is secret – or at least not fully disclosed to the public.  However, there are a great number of sources that can be tapped to understand the current focus for work in photovoltaics, solar thermal, wind energy, biomass, biofuels, hydrokinetics (tidal, ocean current, run-of river), geothermal, OTEC, etc., as well as energy storage: advanced battery chemistries, pumped hydro, advanced rail, etc.

In particular, you could look into the content available from NREL and the other national laboratories, as well as the private sector.  For example, some of the world’s largest oil companies are hustling to re-position as “energy companies.”  What exactly are they doing to make this happen? 

I would personally direct you in your research and writing, and we’d all love to have you aboard.


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6 comments on “Engineering-related Internship at 2GreenEnergy
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    Nuclear energy should be included, including various reactor designs.

  2. Cameron Atwood says:

    This is truly an excellent idea for your purposes, Craig – empirical data is obviously absolutely vital to business investment recommendations. Knowing you well, I trust you will select a brilliant and unbiased mind to sift and vet technologies.

    Wishing you every success!

    • Craig Shields says:

      Thanks, Cameron. The young lady in question seems to have a keen mind; I’m sure she’ll do a great job.