Sustainable Seafood

When I was in kindergarten (in 1960), I made a fine friend in the person of Glenn Koach.  As we grew close through our years as young boys together, I could see that Glenn was “not just anyone;” he was smart, athletic, always impeccably dressed, and extremely self-assured.  Here we are 50+ years later, and Glenn runs a hedge fund (short-term, high-yield bonds), and functions as “Papa” in his wonderful Japanese-American family.  His wife Yuko is also quite an accomplished professional, and his two daughters, Rino and Miku, are clearly on their way to stardom as well.

I told you all that so I can tell you this: my reconnection to Glenn in the last few years has offered me the opportunity to delight in numerous fantastic lunches and dinners at some of the most incredible sushi restaurants in the region.  Still don’t see the relevance? “Sustainable sushi” – a very big deal out here in California.  The article linked above does a very good job at outlining the basics, and there is more at

I’d like to think this type of thinking is part of a growing consumer consciousness regarding sustainability.  Let’s enjoy our lives, while enabling future generations to enjoy theirs as well.

It’s really not all that outrageous a concept, when you let it sink in.  When you encounter a plate of cookies intended for a room full of people, you don’t hog them all, do you?  The situation is no different when it comes to consideration for the needs of other people, some here on Earth now, some yet to come.