Michael T. Klare on Energy Policy and Sustainability
Of all the articles I read on the subject of energy and sustainability, I can’t think of any I more eagerly anticipate than those of Michael T. Klare. Like the one linked above, they’re not generally good news; they tend to be measured, sober looks at the future of humankind. Today’s happens to be an analysis of a new report by the International Energy Outlook and the consideration of four critical trends:
- The surprising resilience of fossil fuels
- The degree to which the world’s energy will be being provided by unconventional fossil fuels
- The seemingly relentless global increase in emissions of carbon dioxide, and
- Significant shifts in the geopolitics of energy
Dr. Klare, prolific author and Five College Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, is not about finding silver linings, but he is, IMO, the most credible and valuable source for people who can stomach the truth about where we’re going as a civilization.