Poachers of Elephants and Rhinoceros Are Not Good People – But They’re Not Alone

Our planet faces huge challenges, mostly created by individuals who are profoundly disturbed in terms of their so-called “moral compasses.”  Here’s a story about those who slaughter elephants and rhinoceros who kill their victims – and any humans who happen to be unlucky enough to be in the way – for the money they gain from selling the pachyderms’ horns to people who are only slightly less depraved than the poachers themselves.  But should these people be shot on site — as the author of the article wonders?  I hope you’ll check this out; it’s good writing on an important topic.

But what should we make of the less obviously insane whose ultimate life’s work is essentially the same – the ruination of the good things still left around here on the good green Earth – for profit?  There are plenty of filthy-rich people who aspire to be even richer – whose business actions are taken with the knowledge that they’re quickly destroying the only planet we have.  Yes, there are many such bad actors, like the cigarette people, or the factory farmers of cows and pigs.  Of course, the major stake-holders in the oil companies jump immediately to mind, perhaps because this happens to be my work-space.

While I don’t advocate shooting them, they’re surely worthy of our moral condemnation.  Decent people simply shake their heads in wonderment: Do a few extra dollars (especially if you’re already a billionaire) justify participating in a business whose end result is the deterioration of the only planet we have?   For some, I guess the answer is yes.

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2 comments on “Poachers of Elephants and Rhinoceros Are Not Good People – But They’re Not Alone
  1. A great piece Craig, it really made me think! You are certainly correct – so many people get away with ruining the environment because their impacts are more “indirect” and less obvious than others. Nevertheless, it is still killing off ecosystems and its wildlife.