From Guest Blogger Tom Grant: The Green Home — Five Ways to Take Your Energy Efficiency to the Next Level

Most homeowners are now aware of the need to achieve greater energy efficiency in their homes.

Energy bills are on the rise and are unlikely to fall anytime soon and with household budgets already stretched in many homes, it makes sense to find some ways to take your energy-efficiency efforts to the next level.

Here are five ways to help you achieve your energy goals.

Make the most of the sun

All house-builders and existing homeowners now feel the need to take steps to create energy efficient homes and one resource that is free but can be an extremely powerful ally, is the sun.

You can use the sun to help warm your house in the winter months and this can be particularly useful if your home is positioned so that the south side is unshaded between the prime sunlight hours of 9am to about 3.30pm.

Use solar panels in order to harness as much power as possible from the sun and to maximise your energy gains, make sure that any trees that could cast a shadow are either sufficiently pruned to avoid any potential reduced solar power loss and especially if you have photovoltaic panels, you need to avoid shading over your south-facing roof.

Pruning or cutting the trees around your house will help to draw the most energy from the sun and any that are too close should even be considered for removal, as they could moisture and mold being drawn towards your home.


Another way of improving your energy efficiency is to control your indoor humidity levels. You should aim to achieve a humidity level of between 30% and 60% in your home at all times. Not only is this good for ensuring an ambient temperature that will not be such a drain on your heating cost when there are not such rapid changes to contend with, but it is also good for your health as well.

Low humidity can cause eye, nose and throat irritation for some people and high humidity can encourage fungi and dust mites, which can also make some occupants feel uncomfortable too.

Seal those draughts

One of the biggest culprits when it comes to wasted energy costs is draughts. Not only are draughty houses uncomfortable but making a conscious effort to seal any air leaks around your windows and doors will not only have a big impact on the comfort levels, it will also improve your energy efficiency.

Try using a smoke stick or an incense stick so that the smoke reveal the source of air leaks and show you where your extra money spent on energy bills is leaking away.


If you have any empty cavity walls then you really need to consider getting these filled with a suitable insulating material in order to save money and greatly improve your energy efficiency.

Shop around for some quotes and find out which insulation material offers the best solution for your type of property, you will certainly notice the difference in the room temperature and when you get your energy bill.

Get some help

Sometimes we need a little professional to get the most out of a project and when it comes to getting the most of your energy efficiency drive, it might be money well spent getting in a professional to conduct a home-energy audit.

They can give you a comprehensive report on every aspect of energy use in your home and advise where you need to take action in order to reduce leaks, improve you ruse of natural resources, and many other useful hints and tips as well.

Take these five steps and you will be well on the way to a greener home.

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