From Guest Blogger Allison: Why Spray Foam Roofing is a Green and Sustainable Roof Option

Everyone is looking for ways to save money on energy bills. Compact fluorescent light bulbs, tankless water heaters, water timers for the garden, and more are gaining popularity for they are proven to save money on utility bills. Although most people attribute the energy conservation to a monetary value, it also helps by reducing your dependence on power which is then utilized elsewhere essentially lowering the amount of power that is needed from power plants.

In the midst of all this technology, what about your roof? Did you know that a great deal of your heating and cooling costs can be attributed to the materials your roof is made of? Elastomeric coatings for the roof can be beneficial in many ways for a variety of instances.

1. Longevity – Polyurethane Foam coatings can last up to 30 years without failure. This means that your roof will provide the same protection from heat and cold in 20 years as it does today. Shingles will be blown off by the wind and weather rot can eventually breakdown wooden alternatives quickly. A metal roof utilizing the spray foam protection stands up to harsh elements to provide a longer lifespan while reducing your energy needs for heating and cooling of the establishment.

2. Rebates – Many energy companies such as Xcel will offer rebates to businesses and individuals who practice greener methods of living. The less energy you have to tap from these power companies, the better off everyone is in the long run. Since the foam roofing increases the energy efficiency for the establishment exponentially, these energy companies will offer rebates or discounts on bills for simply installing such devices. These companies spend a great deal of time and vast amounts of money trying to develop methods to supply the ever-growing demand of power. It is cheaper for these companies to endorse energy saving products than it is to construction new methods to supply power. It’s an incentive to encourage residents and businesses to embrace greener living through energy saving methods.

3. Energy Bills – It’s not uncommon for large establishments to save thousands of dollars per year in air conditioning methods between heating and cooling the location that has an application of this foam roof additive. From a business standpoint, those thousands of dollars saved in energy costs could be spent towards overall improvement of the business itself. Instead of handing that lump of cash to the power company, a business could use it to further develop marketing methods to increase business or purchase more efficient tools and equipment.

4. Sustainability – Adding the foam roof application provides a great deal of environmental sustainability. Less materials are used reducing the impact of discarded items. Less time is spent keeping the roof maintained since the foam creates a low maintenance situation. More durability is provided as the roof coating can withstand some of the most harsh of weather conditions. The foam itself fills in the gaps to prevent leakage in most of the roofs utilizing this option.

Roof coatings can be installed just as easily for business needs as it can for residential. In fact, grain silos have been known to adorn coatings in order to reduce the temperature within the facility which assists in keeping these goods from being damaged by heat. There possibilities are great and the overall cost is well worth the investment of protecting yourself and your product from being ravaged by high temperatures both physically and monetarily.

Author Byline:

Blogging for was a natural progression for Allison once she graduated from college, as it allowed her to combine her two passions: writing and children. She has enjoyed furthering her writing career with She can be in touch through e-mail allisonDOTnannyclassifiedsATgmail rest you know.

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