National Security Implications of U.S. Energy Policy

National Security Implications of U.S. Energy Policy2GreenEnergy intern Louis de Saint Phalle is among the hardest working people I’ve ever run across.  The metaphor of the shark comes to mind; he feels he needs to be constantly in motion, driving towards his goal — in this case, a comprehensive paper on the national security implications of a U.S. energy policy (or lack thereof).  

When complete in a month or so, this little bad boy will likely exceed 100 pages, which raises the question: how to publish it?  Should I break it into a huge number of blog posts?  To maximize its value from an SEO perspective, that would probably be the wisest move, but I’m not sure that’s best for the reader.  An e-book is another possibility.

If anyone out there would like to offer a suggestion, as always, please feel free.



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