News Flash: Public Education Is Important in Smart Grid Implementation

News Flash: Public Education Is Important in Smart Grid ImplementationApparently, the main reason that the U.K. is doing far better than the U.S. in terms of implementing smart meters is that those clever Brits embarked on a plan to educate the public on the benefits before (rather than after) they began to distribute the product.  Who knew?

Sarcasm aside, it’s a sad truth that the average American has a very weak understanding of the major issues surrounding the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy—as well as the environmental consequences of our non-existent energy policy.

Of course, this lack of understanding is not an accident; it’s the product of a carefully conceived plan to confuse and misinform voters-to convince them that a vibrant economy and a sustainable approach to energy are mutually exclusive.  The precise opposite is true.



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