Bringing Solar PV to Rural India

Bringing Solar PV to Rural IndiaThere are so many ways in which the migration to renewable energy improves people’s lives. I’ve often written about what I consider to be the biggest single bang for the buck in terms of social betterment: bringing rural electrification to people in the developing countries, dramatically improving local folks’ prospects for education. In turn, better education means greater productivety, as well as stronger and most importantly, smaller families.  In this case, we have the virtue of enabling people to live happier, healthier, and more rewarding lives, while simultaneously making a dent in the population explosion.

Here’s an article that long-time 2GreenEnergy supporter Brian McGowan sent me on the concept of solar PV in rural India (pictured above), where 300 million people live without access to reliable electrical power. Not only would the proposed project put local people to work, but the arrays themselves will replace the diesel generators to pump brine out of the ground that becomes the feedstock for salt farms. This too is an excellent deal.



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