Elon Musk on the Imperative to Migrate to Renewable Energy

How can anyone can look upon the work of Elon Musk and not be blown away?  For a moment, ignore his other ventures and consider the astonishing success of Tesla Motors alone—a start-up a few years ago that in very short order has stood the auto industry on its ear.

If success like this does nothing else, it captivates people’s awareness. Society largely ignores good and helpful ideas, kindness and decency, social justice, and long-term sustainability. But when some young dude captains a company whose market cap hits $32.4 billion (rapidly closing in on that of 106-year-old General Motors), that attracts some notice.

It is for this reason that I call your attention to this short video in which Musk talks about the imperative to migrate to renewable energy. His main point is one I’ve made hundreds of times in my blog posts and in speaking engagements: we need to do this eventually, or our civilization will not survive. Given that, why not do it now, before we’ve ruined the planet, rather than after it’s too late?

Of course, only a relative handful of people take me seriously; good thing I have Mr. Musk on my side.



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