World Peace and a Sustainable Approach to Energy
When I was a young boy I recall a bumper-sticker that read: “We’ll Have Solar Energy as Soon as the Rockefellers Own the Sun.” The bitter truth behind this is even more in our faces 50 years later. The most powerful interests on Earth are hell-bent on maintaining the status quo vis-à-vis energy, even with its terrible consequences, not only in terms of environmental and health-related damage, but also the unrelenting hostilities in places that are blessed (?) to have large quantities of oil beneath their surfaces.
Each morning I read the Writer’s Almanac, and I particularly enjoy the “poem for the day.” I hope readers will check out “Wild Turkeys” by Lawrence Kessenich, as it speaks to the issues of peace.
The reason we don’t have solar power is because they haven’t figured out a way to put a meter on sunlight.