Obama Administration’s Progress Toward Renewable Energy and Sustainability More Generally

Obama Administration’s Progress Toward Clean Energy

When U.S. President Barack Obama leaves office in early 2017, he will have left behind him innumerable elements of progress in the direction of a clean energy future. Obviously, all eyes are on the Keystone Pipeline just now, but that shouldn’t prevent our recognizing how far superior this administration has been vis-à-vis environmental issues than the one preceding it.

Speaking of innumerable, I’ve written many posts critical of Obama for his failure to establish an energy policy that articulates that the U.S. is in the process of phasing out fossil fuels—especially coal—and that we’re making this happen as soon as practically possible. Looking back on those posts, I see that they were really an exercise in pointing out a flaw in something that is overwhelmingly positive; I realize now what an unfair idea I was fostering, and I have to say that I feel like something of a heel on this point.

Btw, I’ve never deleted anything I’ve written, regardless of how stupid it makes me look or how profoundly wrong I realize I was, and, out of 4300+ posts, trust me, there are plenty of times I have been tempted.  I just think that’s a chickencrap thing to do.



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