Prediction: Our Culture Will Eventually Reconnect with Science 

Prediction: Our Culture Will Eventually Reconnect with Science I laugh out loud when I see stuff like this: Al Roker’s bold assertion on Larry King’s show to the effect that he thinks climate change is real.  From what I read about him, I’m sure Roker is a wonderful human being, but does it matter what he believes about climate change?  I suppose that’s better than his claiming that the whole subject is a hoax and part of an anti-capitalist plot on the part of our scientific community, but either way, as he has no real training in the subject, I don’t find it too compelling.

I really don’t want to denigrate the weather broadcasting profession, but we have to keep all this in perspective.  My father was a wonderful man before he left us a few years ago:A brave bomber pilot in WWII, a successful real estate broker, and a fabulous husband and father.  But it never dawned on me to ask his position on extremely specialized subjects in science.

Our local weather host here in Santa Barbara County, CA is Claire Anderson, pictured above.  If for some reason I care (if you live in Boston, I don’t mean to rub it in) if it’s going to be 67 and partly cloudy or 76 and sunny, I can tune her in.  But, sorry to say, she said last week that 0.3 inches of rain meant 3/4s of an inch.  Bless her heart.  And she’s cute as a button.  But I honestly don’t care where she stands on climate change.

As our civilization is about to learn, this is an extremely serious subject—one that will ultimately cause us to reconnect with a subject that incredibly has somehow fallen out of favor: science.


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