Collusion Between Big Money and Law-Making Is Not Limited To the Oil Industry

Collusion Between Big Money and Law-Making Is Not Limited To the Oil IndustryI’ve mentioned the blatant corruption that exists between Big Oil and the United States Congress so many times that I may have given readers the impression that such criminality is limited to the petroleum industry. If so, I’m sorry; that’s not the case.

Below are a few lines on the telecommunications industry that I urge readers to explore further; based on what I’ve been able to find, they seem completely correct to me.  The subject here happens to be Net Neutrality and its mortal enemy, Comcast, an organization which I’ve mentioned several times in the past. In terms of a corporation’s owning the law-making process, Comcast is at least as ruthless and overt as anything you’ll find in the petroleum industry. I’ve also mentioned Fred Upton (pictured) several times for the sheer volume of dollars he collects, primarily from two vested interests: fossil energy and telecom.

Congressmen Fred Upton and Greg Walden just introduced legislation to block Net Neutrality.  Wanna guess who Fred Upton’s biggest campaign contributor was in 2014? Comcast. How about the second biggest donor to Greg Walden’s campaign? Also Comcast. It’s time we let the constituents of these congressmen know who they’re actually representing in Washington…..

If our democracy is to outlive this cancer growing upon it, we’re all going to have to be informed–and involved.


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