Good Article in RenewableEnergyWorld: Fossil Fuels Just Lost the Race Against Renewables

Here’s an article that underlines what I’ve been telling the world for the past year or so: based on simple extrapolations for the cost and growth curves of fossil vs. renewable resources, the battle for energy resource supremacy is over, and the good guys have won.

Here’s a particularly exuberant comment:

Solar is doubling every 2 years. It’s far cheaper than fossils or nuclear even when its life is incorrectly stated as 20 years instead of the 30+ years expected. Even the warranties are 25 years or more, at 1% of our electrical now, and doubling every 2 years, it will be 100% of electrical demand in 14 years. That’s 2029, not 2050.

Offshore wind can also double every 2 years if we stop propping up fossils and nuclear and put that into wind, solar, wastefuels and ecars instead. A fossils tax/fine is a logical, (as) fossils pollute. But just stopping the government (subsidies for fossil fuels) would do.

In my book, (literally my book: Bullish On Renewable Energy) the issues and the mathematics that surround them are a bit more complex, but the essential conclusion is the same.


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