Heartland Institute Is Always On the Attack

Heartland Institute Is Always On the AttackIt’s been a while since I wrote something on the brazen evil represented by the Koch-funded Heartland Institute, so I thought it might be time to rectify that.  Linked below is an article that will make your skin crawl.  Alarmed that Pope Francis plans to alert the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics that they have a moral duty to concern themselves with environmental issues like climate change, the Heartland Institute is sending a team of global warming deniers to correct His Holiness on the matter.

An excerpt:

“The Holy Father is being misled by ‘experts’ at the United Nations who have proven unworthy of his trust,” said Joseph Bast, president of the Heartland Institute. “Humans are not causing a climate crisis on God’s Green Earth – in fact, they are fulfilling their Biblical duty to protect and use it for the benefit of humanity…”

We can only hope that Pope Francis rejects the notion that the Koch Brothers and the coal industry are helping God do His work.



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