The Biggest Waste of Money in Human History

The Biggest Waste of Money in Human is a site in which questions, some profound, others trivial, are posed and then answered by people who claim to have some expertise in the subject at hand.  I’ve signed up to offer my two cents’ worth on matters pertaining to renewable energy, but I read discussions on other topics as time permits.

There are quite a number of interesting answers to the question in the title above, but most (correctly in my estimation) point to wars, especially the U.S.’ current struggle in the Middle East.  And of course, wasting money is one thing; wasting lives is another.

All over the world, people of peace and decency are calling for an end to all this.  I meet some of them every Earth Day in Santa Barbara, doing their thing as the group: 2020-A Year Without War, whose purpose is to create, by the year 2020, a social movement large enough to tip history away from war as a solution to our disagreements with one another.

My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from the earth.  – George Washington

Something to think about.



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