Here's a Concept: Love One Another

Here's a Concept: Love One Another

I wrote a piece on a much-loved baby in my circle of friends the other day, whose photo, I have to admit, has totally captivated me. Check it out for yourself. Isn’t it as if she knows something that you and I did long ago, but we somehow forgot? It’s almost spooky.

Maybe it’s a calling to us to be as blissful in our state as she is in hers. That angelic smile speaks to me somehow, encouraging me–and us all–to learn to love one another. I suppose all babies have some command of peace and serenity, but there is something special here, IMO.

We remember that (U.S. poet) W.H. Auden said: We must love one another or die. He was most certainly on the right track, but maybe a bit too stern. I think Annalee Rose’s message is: We should love one another…. why?….ummmm…not sure…just because… sorry, I need a nap now, and maybe you do too….pleasant dreams…but when you wake up, whatever you do, don’t forget what I just told you.

(Note: the idea “don’t forget what I just told you” is from the very end of this scene, perhaps my favorite line in filmdom.)

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