Citizens United Soon To Be Overturned and the US Republic Returned to the People
It’s so easy to be cynical about the prospects for justice in the world. Even here in the U.S., the land of the free and the home of the brave, our big corporations have taken near-complete control of our law-making process, in large part by virtue of the horrific Supreme Court decision in 2010 “Citizens United,” which grants corporate entities the right of free speech previous reserved for natural persons, and enables them to spend as much as they wish influencing our elections. The result: we now have a democracy in name only; the will of the people is all but irrelevant at this point.
Yet amazingly, there is real hope that Citizens United will be soon be overturned, as the voice of the people, as feckless as it’s become, is so loud in its fury at this point that our senators and representatives are essentially forced to respond. Check out this video made by a volunteer at “Mayday,” one of the key forces for justice here.
It will be quite a moment in U.S. history when this piece of tyranny goes by the wayside—and that moment is just around the corner.