13.7 Billion Years—Reduced to 18 Minutes

13.7 Billion Years—Reduced to 18 MinutesHave you ever seen a presentation that was so powerful and compelling that you felt a strange impulse to memorize it verbatim? That’s exactly what just happened to me.

Here’s a Ted Talk on the history of the universe (“Big History”) that will leave you with at once a rhapsodic joy and a profound sorrow that it has only 1.6 million views on YouTube, meaning that, tragically, the vast majority of people on Earth don’t really understand this.



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6 comments on “13.7 Billion Years—Reduced to 18 Minutes
  1. Glenn Doty says:

    Thanks for that Craig. That really is a well done presentation. Interesting, concise, and extremely dense.

    It’s nice to pause and note how fast things are accelerating every now and then.

    • Yes, it’s amazing. Makes you think that achieving sustainability is like balancing a bowling ball on the head of a pin. I don’t believe that, but we’re most certainly behaving in an insanely irresponsible manner.

  2. Fernando in Brazil writes:

    Craig, THANK YOU very much for sending me thus link! It touches my soul deeply!

    I’m so glad you appreciate it.

  3. Foerd Aames notes: Thanks, Craig. Nice, syntropic thoughts on our big history.

    Glad you liked it, though I had to go to http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/syntropic to figure out what you meant. 


  4. Gary Peters says:

    When you see that mankind is only a blip on the screen of time since the beginning, you will be amazed at how far we’ve come. But there has been a cost. If you haven’t seen it you must watch the new documentary “RACING EXTINCTION”. If you’re not changed after you see it, you’re not human!

  5. Thanks for sharing! 🙂