From Guest Blogger Brooke Chapman: Green Vibes–Where Can You Save More Energy at Home?
In today’s every changing world, it is clear that saving energy and protecting the environment are both important. Doing your part at home will help make planet Earth a safe and healthy place to live, and reduce your carbon footprint. It will also be helpful for those trying to save money as well. Little changes over a long period of time will make a big difference in the end. Sure, turning off a computer might save $0.20 cents a day, but that adds up to over $125 saved in a year (really? -ed). Consider making the following changes to help save more energy at home.
Replace Light Bulbs
Most people love the yellow glow of a standard incandescent light bulb, while florescent light bulbs (CFLs) often remind us of early mornings sitting in school or a work cubicle, or walking down hospital hallways. Although fluorescent light bulbs aren’t the loveliest to look at, they save a ton of energy over time. They last longer, don’t need to be replaced as often, and do the same work incandescent bulbs do. Today there are even more types with softer glows and brightness so you don’t have to feel trapped under a harsh light.
Use Power Strips
Most people hold at least three devices that need to be charged at all times: a tablet, a smart phone, and a laptop. These devices take up a lot of energy alone, and it isn’t uncommon for one person to need tons of outlets for all their different devices. In order to accommodate the need for power, many purchase power strips. Power strips are incredibly helpful, but in order to save more energy, unplug the power strip at the end of the day. This will prevent the power usage when it’s not necessary, and save extra coins as well.
Programmable AC/Heat & Services
Instead of switching the heat or the A/C on and off all the time, utilize a programmable thermostat. This will automatically adjust the temperature in the house to a more comfortable level. For those who don’t understand how to install or use this device, consider using the services of a AC/Heating company like Cape Fear Air Conditioning & Heating Co., Inc. When completed by professionals, this service can save thousands of dollars in the long run.
Take Shorter Showers
While it’s fun to get in a hot shower to soak and sing, remember your wallet may not be happy about this decision. Shorter showers naturally save more energy and money. Try to lower the water heat as well to help conserve more energy. The higher the water pump needs to heat the water, the more energy it uses. Take warm, quick showers.
There are plenty of ways to get green vibes going in your home, and to save money and energy. The above are just a few you can try, and though they may feel like major adjustments at first, in time it will feel like second nature.