Can't Plants Sequester Our CO2 Emissions? — "Take a Cool Guess"

Plants Sequester Our CO2 EmissionsContrary to popular belief, plants represent a net zero in terms of capturing CO2. While they’re alive, they convert carbon dioxide to sugar, but after they die, those more complex, higher-energy molecules break down and that carbon is re-released into the atmosphere.

If our civilization is to avoid catastrophic climate change, it has two basic choices:

Geoengineering, i.e., chemically manipulating the Earth’s skies and oceans (scary stuff, to put it mildly) or

Reducing emissions, via efficiency solutions, renewable energy, etc.

Note that the latter has the side benefit of greatly reducing dozens of other different types of pollutants (oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, heavy metals, and radioactive isotopes) while creating jobs and stimulating the economy.

In all, it’s a bargain. And with your help, we can make it happen.

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