From a Guest Blogger: Six Surprising Benefits of Using Sandalwood

Six Surprising Benefits of Using SandalwoodSandalwood is a natural oil that comes from the Santalum tree. It has been used for over 4,000 years for both its pleasant scent, and religious purposes. Today, sandalwood oil has many surprising uses that make it a great option for both health and beauty.
Reduces the Appearance of Scars
The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of sandalwood oil help to reduce the redness and thickness of scars. Gently rubbing sandalwood on scars will help them to appear less noticeable and help them fade away faster.

Relieves Coughing
If you suffer from respiratory issues, sandalwood can help to soothe your respiratory system and is an excellent expectorant. The relaxing properties of sandalwood can help to soothe the irritated lining of the throat and lungs when you have a cold or flu. To get relief from your cough, place several drops on a washcloth or tissue, place gently over your nose, and breathe in slowly. Alternatively, a steam bath can also be used by filling a large bowl with hot water, adding five to seven drops of sandalwood oil, covering your head with a towel and leaning over the bowl, breathing in the steam and healing your lungs.

Calms and Relaxes without Causing Drowsiness
Many people who use lavender essential oils and vanilla for their relaxation properties report that the natural remedies often make them drowsy. Smelling sandalwood when you are stressed and anxious can help to calm and relax you without putting you to sleep. A 2006 study found that participants who smelled sandalwood felt calmer and more present and alert. Using the oil in a diffuser at your high-stress job can help you to maintain feelings of peace.

Giving Your Sensitive Dog a Bath
Many dogs suffer from sensitive skin, which causes their skin to become itchy, red and irritable when regular pet shampoos are used. Natural Dog Products that contain sandalwood like Roxy’s Remedies relieve the irritation, and will soothe your dog’s skin. Many pet owners who have had dogs on medication due to their sensitive skin report getting relief from the soothing properties of sandalwood oil in natural pet shampoos.

Cleans and Tightens Skin
Sandalwood acts as a natural astringent that is milder than alcohol. When applied to the face after cleansing or shaving, the oil causes minor contractions in the skin. This helps to tighten the facial tissue, soothe irritated skin, and cleanse it from remaining soaps without removing the skin’s natural oils.

Lowers High Blood Pressure
A 2004 study found that when patients with high blood pressure had sandalwood oil applied directly to their skin, they experienced a decline in their systolic blood pressure numbers.

Whether it’s for you or a beloved pet, sandalwood essential oils can help to relieve and soothe irritated and red skin, making it a great choice for more than just its pleasant scent.

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