Coal Giant Bankruptcy Portends a Clean Energy Future

Coal Giant Bankruptcy Portends a Clean Energy FutureThe word “harbinger” was on our vocabulary list in sixth grade. The robin is a harbinger of spring.

I hadn’t come across it too often in the last 50 years…until yesterday, when’s comment today on Peabody Energy’s (the world’s largest coal producer) bankruptcy as “harbinger of the end of fossil fuels.”

But are they correct? Not everyone agrees. In particular,  the company would like to have us believe that its decision was based on fluctuating commodity prices and an ill-timed investment in Australia; moreover, their PR people vehemently denies that any larger movement in the energy industry is afoot.  It’s also true, though countries like the UK have enacted firm policies that phase out coal, new plants are still being built in India and China.

This is the reason that we at 2GreenEnergy feel so adamantly about the thoughts in today’s Instagram post:

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