Per Capita Energy Consumption

EnergyPerCapita2011There are two important takeaways from the graphic here:

• We Americans use huge amounts of energy, and feel completely entitled to do so. Insofar as there are no pressures that would militate away from this level of overconsumption, it’s likely to remain in place indefinitely—at least for the next decade or so while the U.S. is still a dominant force in the world, both militarily and economically.

• The developing world needs to consume more energy, preferably in the form of electricity from renewable resources, used to provide clean drinking water and enable education, a precursor to affluence.

Re: this second point, here’s something I came across yesterday on bringing microgrids to the third world, in which I intend to become heavily involved.  More on this later.


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2 comments on “Per Capita Energy Consumption
  1. Larry Lemmert says:

    That is an interesting chart but what about the elephant in the room? Where is the data point for China. I know they consume less than the USA per capita but the future is at least partially related to the time rate of change. The countries on this chart would likely be inverted if the data was showing rate of change as well as acceleration of consumption. I do not think this is sustainable even if we cut back. At least not sustainable without revolutionary breakthroughs of new technology.

  2. marcopolo says:


    “in which I intend to become heavily involved”. Good for you ! A worthy cause indeed.

    Although, some may cynically and observe the acquisition of electricity in third world countries seldom means a reduction of unhealthy hovels and crime ridden squalor, but an increase in watching TV !

    The major problem with third world poverty is a lack of social and political cohesion, and a feeling of responsibility by the individual to the society.

    This is often a result of post-colonial, or population upheavals, where community identity is confused and contentious.

    Without real commitment and security, life can be pretty transient !