Comedy Delivers Truth So Powerfully you don’t know who Jim Jefferies is, now’s a good time to rectify that.  The Australian comedian’s routine on gun control took the world by storm, for reasons you’ll appreciate immediately when you check this out.

But here’s a piece that bypasses single issues, and gets at the larger role of the United States in the world today.  How incredibly powerful is comedy in the communication of extremely serious messages.

Most of us twigged on this listening to George Carlin, though obviously the phenomenon goes back much further.  In the last century of U.S. history, we have people like Will Rogers and Lenny Bruce. Going back two thousand years, you have Sophocles, Euripides, and Eumenides. God only knows what the origins of the art form actually are.

Perhaps I should shut up and let you enjoy this legend in his own time.

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