Trends Towards Liberalism

Trends Towards LiberalismA comment on a recent post contained the phrase: “fantasies created by trendy liberals.”  Two points:

• “Fantasies” is just a pejorative term for hopes, aspirations, and ambitions.  It’s very important to our society and to the outcome of our civilization that some people dream of a better world and work hard to achieve it.

• Similarly, “trendy” seems deliberately unflattering; it connotes something chic and cool that is destined to turn into a passing fad.  Yet we all need to hope that the quite noticeable leaning towards environmentalism, social justice, tolerance, etc., does not disappear and revert back to the place from which humankind has come.  And there is good evidence that it won’t.  Check out this and this.



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5 comments on “Trends Towards Liberalism
  1. frank Eggers says:

    The poster who included the phrase “fantasies created by trendy liberals.” was not referring to all liberals. I assume that he was referring only to liberals who blindly and thoughtlessly follow trends. One can also find conservatives who follow fantasies created by trendy conservatives, including conservatives for whom Ayn Rand is a prophet.

  2. marcopolo says:

    Thank you Frank,

    Craig, you seem to have a penchant for taking comments or phrases out of context and ascribing them new meanings.

    My use of the term ‘fantasies’ , was intended to be defined within the context of imagined, unreal, or make believe propositions claimed as being real, tangible and in existence.

    It wasn’t an attack on creativity, or the capacity of human imagination.

    The term “fantasies” is simply descriptive. In itself, the term can’t be pejorative since it entirely depends upon the context.

    As Frank quite rightly points out, I employed the phrase “fantasies created by trendy liberals.” , to describe a certain type thinking within a particular social demographic. That definition was clear from the context of the paragraph.

    But your article is a good example of the growing trend in modern media to repeat a phrase or observation out of context, thereby ascribe a different meaning. As time goes by, the original context is forgotten, while the oft repeated, but completed inaccurate misinterpretation, becomes an accepted reality.

    Amid every social demographic, shallow, superficial thinkers abound. The desire to identify with a belief, philosophy or ideology among humans is very strong. This is especially true if if the individual feels part of a fashionable grouping.

    In reality a large portion of any group possesses only a garbled version of the groups beliefs or agenda at best, and at worst, a complete misunderstanding. This is true throughout all demographic’s. Only a minority spend the time and effort to carefully and critically analyze the beliefs to which they’ve become attached.

    Most people rely upon vague cliches, oft repeated urban myths and highly emotive manifestos’ containing lot’s of optimism, idealism, and little worrisome detail.

    Australian’s have just elected to parliament a women called Pauline Hanson. Ms Hanson is a sort of dumbed down Donald Trump without the billions, charisma, or humour. This appallingly ignorant woman calls her self a ‘conservative’ ! ( What she’s conserving is anyone’s guess !)

    Hanson was elected due to an anomaly in the Australian electoral system. In her home State of Queensland she attracted 10% of the vote, her bizarre party manged to attract nearly 500,000 votes from 12.3 million votes cast. Her support derives from anti-liberal older folk angry that mainstream politicians seem to be ignoring their concerns.

    These folk dream nostalgically of a happier Australia when life was much simpler. The feel betrayed. The world has moved on, and they haven’t.

    Getting older is an awful experience for some people. They start to feel invisible. In a complex world of increasingly rapid changes, these people can’t keep up. Unfortunately, baby boomers don’t like being made to feel left out.

    In rebellion they turn to populists who can enunciate the problems, but possess no answers. The young seek inspiration and exciting idealistic solutions, not tomorrow, but today ! Typical of youth, they are too impatient to regard careful planning, and critical analysis as important. In fact they see such requirement as just another method to thwart their dreams.

    This state of affairs makes life very difficult for mainstream politicians who understand that almost all progress in society takes time, patience and careful planning.

    In the recent Australian election there was a swing against the conservative government, and the mainstream opposition. In the aftermath the government blamed the outcome on the dishonest and negative campaign run by the opposition and union movement.

    But the most insightful comment came from the deputy PM when he told his party, “It’s true we lost votes due to the lies told about us by our opponents. However, we must ask ourselves what’s it about us that would allow voters to believe such lies ? ”

    In such confusing times, I believe it’s very important not to seek advantage by distorting the context of what we each each try to convey.

    • craigshields says:

      Wow. It’s so freaky to have you in my life! Think about it. Here I have this (smart) guy coming out of Australia whose self-appointed duty is gainsaying my opinions. What the f-word?

      I don’t object, but I have to say it’s bizarre. Amiright? Most folks don’t have people entering their lives from 8000 miles away, taking them to task for whatever they might believe, do they? Maybe they do; maybe eveyone has a Marcopolo in his life, though that doesn’t seem too likely.

      On the other hand, I suppose I’m flattered that you consider me important enough to come after like this.

    • Frank Eggers says:


      I thought that Pauline Hanson was washed up years ago and am astonished to learn that she is still politically active. She is the epitome of intolerance.

      Speaking of ascribing different meanings, look what has happened to the word “blackmail”. It’s proper meaning is a type of extortion based on a threat to reveal damaging information. Now it is being used to describe any type of demand. The word “coward” properly means a lack of bravery. Now it is used to describe anyone who is murderously destructive. This trend seems to be international.

  3. marcopolo says:

    Hi Frank,

    Unfortunately, your observations are completely accurate.