Optimism Re: The Ultimate Result of the “Human Experiment”

Optimism Re: The Ultimate Result of the "Human Experiment"Here’s a conversation I’m having with 2GreenEnergy super-supporter Cameron Atwood that I thought I’d share. I began by responding to an email he wrote pointing out certain atrocities that are happening in the world, and implying how important it is that we fight against things like them.

Craig: I have to say how impressed I am with you and your capacity to stay Interested and involved.  I’m starting to catch myself looking at this in the way of Garrison Keillor. Did you see his article in the Washington Post


Cameron: I did see that – I was a little disappointed in it, but Garrison has had a hard time recently, getting older (like the rest of us, only more so, particularly with his quite strongly evident feeling of Utopian charm about the past), and retiring from Prairie Home Companion.

I found this interesting – it’s from Rev. Arthur Kirkland, a certain commenter on Garrison’s piece:

“Unless you genuinely believe bigotry, substandard education, and religious dogma have overtaken — or are about to overtake — reason, tolerance, and science as the leading factors in tracing America’s arc of progress, the Trump election is likely to be nothing more than a speed-bump along America’s longstanding trajectory toward progress.”

“The disaffected, desperate voters who elected Trump did not suddenly become educated, competent, economically adequate, or effective on Election Day. They will largely continue to struggle, for largely self-inflicted reasons. They also will continue to blame blacks and fancy-pants women for their condition, and resent “elites” for being successful, and fear Muslims and modernity in general.

“The race does not always go to the swiftest, nor the contest to the strongest, nor the debate to the smartest — as the recent election vividly demonstrated — but that is how smart people bet. And that is how they will continue to win.”

“Choose reason. Every time. Especially over sacred ignorance or dogmatic intolerance.”

By the way, you may also find the perspective in the following encouraging.

Political - Hope or Despair - Equality


Craig: Thanks.  That’s a cool quote from a very intelligent and enlightened person.  I also love what you wrote.

I used to feel the same way. I’m sure you recall my saying that “it really hasn’t been a bad 800 years,” i.e., starting with the Magna Carta.  But sadly, I’m starting to wonder if we’re doomed, given climate change, nuclear weapons, over-population, religious fanaticism, fascism, greed, and the dwindling spiral of ignorance.

I’m not quitting, but, in all honesty, these are some fairly dark days.