EPA Opponent May Head Agency

EPA Opponent May Head AgencyOne of the many things I admire about my colleague Jon LeSage of Green Auto Digest is his even-tempered, objective reporting style.  The current edition is a good example, in which he notes that the incoming administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt (pictured), has long exhibited an active antagonism to the EPA itself.  Just the facts; it’s hard to take exception to that. 

In contrast, and I’m not necessarily proud of this, but I can’t resist editorializing on issues like this.  Though it may turn off certain readers, I want to express the outrage that I believe every loyal American should feel in response to this nomination (and most of the others).  Making appointments for the sole purpose of ripping apart our government,  especially elements of government that serve and protect our citizens–and the entire population of Earth–is a malevolent, criminal act.

There. I’ve said it. Couldn’t help myself.

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One comment on “EPA Opponent May Head Agency
  1. marcopolo says:


    It’s a great shame when you employ excessive hyperbole to accuse those you consider political/ideological/philosophical opponents, with abusive, inaccurate and extravagantly emotive labels.

    It’s a shame because it lessens the effectiveness of your message, while making you come across as a fanatic with no credibility.

    I know that you are sincerely appalled and anxious that all the tings you have promoted and worked to achieve maybe under threat, but throwing a tantrum, won’t produce the results you seek.

    It’s not “criminal” “malovent” or “ripping government apart” for an elected government to reform, restructure or even abolish former policy initiatives and government programs.

    It’s not “criminal” “malovent” or “ripping government apart” for elected Executive Presidents to nominate any candidate they feel best able to implement the policies of the new administration.

    As long as the administration conforms within Constitutional limits, it can’t be “ripping government apart” , because it is the government !

    I agree Scott Pruitt wouldn’t be my choice for the EPA, but that’s not the point, I’m not President, and nor are you!

    You’re perfectly at liberty to protest his appointment,you are constitutionally entitled to campaign against his policies, (I’ll join you) but if all the constitutional requirements have been met, then his appointment is simply not “criminal” “malovent” or “ripping government apart” !

    Screaming these ill chosen terms only lessens your credibility. Worse still, it actually increases sympathy for him as wrongly attacked.

    These are times when credibility and patience are the sincere environmentalist’s best weapons.