Overturning the Clean Air Act: Demons Begone!

Overturning the Clean Air ActHere’s an article for those interested in the three specific mechanisms being enacted by the U.S. congress to repeal existing rules related to human health and safety, while ensuring new ones cannot be implemented. The first of the three seeks to override the Clean Air Act, the Mine Safety and Health Act, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act and dozens of other laws that prioritize public health and worker safety.  The second one also targets that nasty Clean Air Act as well.  Gotta get that one gone ASAP.

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One comment on “Overturning the Clean Air Act: Demons Begone!
  1. marcopolo says:


    It’s not that simple. The proposers of these bills would argue that the purpose of these bills is to return accountability back to elected representatives and remove the power of bureaucrats to act covertly or unilaterally without being held to account.

    In the end, however foolish elected representatives may be, they alone remain accountable to the electorate.

    They are judged by the results of government actions, so it’s only proper that elected representatives have the authority to limit the bureaucracy, amend or abolish laws, or create new laws and regulations.

    You may not like the new laws, but that’s the price of representative government.