Our Reckless Indifference to the Environment Will Bring About Unprecedented Levels of Human Suffering, But Not the Extinction of Our Species

Our Reckless Indifference to the Environment Will Bring Unprecedented Levels of Human Suffering, But Not the Extinction of Our SpeciesUnless I’m mistaken, Arlene Allen was the first commenter on this blog when it opened in the summer of 2009.  In response to my recent piece on consumerism, she writes: Because of all things being finite, including the entire planet, unending growth does have to end, and usually in a pretty toxic fashion. It might be why a number of us intuit that humankind must leave the planet – the knowledge that there is no good end to this.

You’re absolutely right that there is no good end–for most people. But imagine whatever horrific situation you can muster: hundreds of millions of climate refugees, mass starvation and dehydration due to extensive famine brought about by desertification, diseases spreading because of the warm temperatures, the extinction of 90% of the species of vertebrates, world fascism, etc. Regardless of the intensity of the dystopia, there will still be rich people, dining on caviar, steak and fine champagne, between shopping and golf outings, interspersed with luxurious trips around the globe to see what’s left of the civilization.

As miserable as we can make life on this planet for 99% of the people with our greed and indifference to the suffering of others, there’s virtually no scenario under which human life will go completely extinct. I’m not sure how consoling that is, but I believe it’s true.

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2 comments on “Our Reckless Indifference to the Environment Will Bring About Unprecedented Levels of Human Suffering, But Not the Extinction of Our Species
  1. Breath on the Wind says:

    It is interesting when we read that genetics tells us that humanity was reduced to about 1500 mating pairs. That was about 70,000 years ago during a climate crisis. Perhaps the present species will have to give way to a being that can breath CO2 and tolerate much higher temperatures. But life does find a way.

    For several decades we have allowed our reactionary fears, the most conservative and the most wealthy to dictate policy. Perhaps someone someday will note these results and suggest a failure in our system of government.

    We are showing many trends similar to those that preceded the collapse of a civilization. Perhaps it is not “humanity” that we are tracking, but only the imminent demise of the American way of life.

  2. Silent Running says:

    Breath you say it well and Pull the Curtain Back on our Nation’s efforts at Empire in Steep decline.

    There is a good book out called the Age of Anger; A History of the Present by Pankaj Mishra.

    He takes a Global view and our rage dates back all the way to the dawn of the so called Enlightenment.
    The collapse of state socialism and communism in late 1980’s led to an embrace of so called free market capitalism which took SOLE Position Globally although in mixed forms and structure.

    There was a Siren song sung that this march of capitalism would lift all boats and raise all nations continually upward….peace among nations would flourish etc. etc.

    The majority of us were sold the concept that the future would be materially superior to the present. This promise remains Unfulfilled and it is creating a Rage that manifests itself in diverse manner of ways mostly destructive self interest groups.

    Though the growth of capitalism has increased some people’s lots it has also in a increasing manner shown people what they Can’t have.

    Like clean water, clean air, viable social safety nets, arable land , access to food a living wage, access to medicine and prevention of diseases, freedom from tug of war resource wars , drought , political disruption by third parties so that some group can gain economic advantage with the populace caught in the middle of these struggles. Freedom form being Collateral damage in absentia!

    This book leads to the need for society to move beyond the “religion of technology and GDP and the very Crude 19th Century concept of self Interest”

    How to do this is uncertain and our political structures are under siege by this collective wave of rage against the establishment.

    The world leaders like Trumpet, Putin , Modi all sing a song of Renewed Self preservation & Determination for their nations being the primary motivation for their nations. Self Interest may restrict their interest in humanitarian and environmental programs to alleviate the growing pain throughout the Globe.

    But now we are being confronted with the first and second stages of the consequences of Global Warming and changing weather patterns that limit food production and cause disruption in Africa , Syria and SE Asia and other places and the Human pain as listed in the Posting. .

    But we think and are being told we must be Great Again – and that takes precedence over Humanitarian issues just at time when the need is real and the need is growing for more enlightened interventions besides dropping bombs on people or selling and exchanging close to $ 69 Trillion in CDO’s globally – leaving a Dripping Hour Glass of massive debt collapse most certain to lay waste to Hubris dreams of global resurgence. .

    In the Quest to be Great and accumulate more it is increasingly apparent that the Masters of the Universe don’t want to be slowed down in their eternal homage to the Altar of Increased Profits and be damned to all who might venture into their Path.

    Extreme measures will be taken to try to revive the American Way of Life that was built on cheap excess and cheap access …. The equations have changed now …The minions will keep Pretending to the End as they have been conditioned for this – the magical continued growth that was once the foundation for upward mobility has been Extracted beneath our collective feet….the Tragic part is so many don’t know this yet and cling eternally to the false religion of the technologists and other magicians that conspire to eradicate both their jobs and their money.

    We can see the Volkswagen misuse and abuse of proper environmental performance standards in their vehicles as just one of many failures of all this sacred capitalism – they rigged their tests to make more money and lie to the buying public as well as the nation states they do business in. With business practices such as this the environment has little chances of healing !

    So unless there is some distinct Intervention by a strong collection of Enlightened nations that reject the false values of the market place altar and embrace a All Hands on Deck on Environmental challenges …then paradise Lost is a most certain fate…As for the hyped American Dream Scheme it will be limited to a ever increasing smaller group of the population.
    We are ill equipped to deal with our own internal Loss as a culture (denial is a religion too) and at the same time Deal with the external environmental losses.
    Some type of Moral Revival may come our way ….it is needed excuse the length but the Pain is Great!