Trump Presidency: Things Fall Apart

Trump Presidency: Things Fall ApartI urge everyone, especially all Americans, to check out this incredible eight-minute video, featuring U.S ranking member of the U.S. House Intelligence committee, Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA — pictured), laying out the evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia leading up to the 2016 election.  It’ll make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, I promise. 

Schiff presents summaries of publicly available documents that represent the evidence that has built up so far connecting the Trump campaign to Russian state actors seeking to intervene in the election.  Yes, it’s all circumstantial and unproven at this point, but I think you’ll agree that, given all this, the fire can’t be too far from the smoke here.

It appears that this, my friends, is the beginning of the end—the single most exciting event in U.S. history.  Some people like international espionage novels, though it’s unarguably more gripping when it’s happening right in front of your eyes.

Yes, it’s more “exciting” and “gripping,” but, for the record, I’m not having a good time watching this.  It’s terrible that the United States of America has fallen to the point that 62 million of my fellow Americans voted for an obvious pathological liar and fraud, one who has inflicted so much damage to our country in such a short period of our 240-year history.

We can only hope that this happens much like it with 44 years ago with Nixon and Watergate.  The U.S. proved that its democracy was stronger than any one lying criminal, regardless of his place in government.  We expelled him like a landlord evicts deadbeat tenants, and people all over the world praised us for our dedication to rule of law.   Let’s do it again.



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10 comments on “Trump Presidency: Things Fall Apart
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:

    The evidence, while alarming, falls short of proving guilt beyond reasonable doubt. It does, however, indicate that a more careful investigation must be made. There is a significant probability that a more careful investigation will prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It is also possible that a certainty of such an investigation would result in the resignation of Strumpet and others before the investigation has been completed. If the does occur, the investigation should still be completed.

  2. Breath on the Wind says:

    The conclusion is awful but not really surprising. I mostly wonder why but more importantly where would we go from confirming such conclusions. If there is rot at the top, it has gathered more around it and the filth has been allowed to pass through many filters which are themselves thereby indicted just where do we stop questioning? Where is the solid footing upon which we can be secure and start fresh? Normal succession does not anticipate such circumstances.

    Fearing such questions may be enough inhibit any inquiry.

  3. marcopolo says:


    I’m afraid you are once again allowing your desire for something to happen, to delude yourself it is occurring.

    While the conduct of the campaign is hardly edifying, sadly it’s not unusual.

    Comparing relations with Russia to old cold war spy novels involving relations with the USSR is effective propaganda for Trump’s enemies, but hardly realistic.

    Throughout his well delivered speech, Representative Schiff didn’t identify any illegal activity. Strange at it may seem to anti-Trump fanatics, it’s not illegal for person not holding office to talk to anyone, even Russians.

    Representative Adam Schiff misrepresents the term “American Interests”. The political policies of a Democrat President are not “American interests”, and can be criticized or opposed by any citizens who is not a government official.

    Although I don’t condone hacking, it’s true that if the Clinton campaign had nothing to hide, the exposure of emails would have been completely ineffective.

    It shouldn’t come as any surprise that many European and US business interests are keen to further develop relations with major Russian energy and resource corporations. This is not illegal.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia’s borders were impractical and misunderstood by Westerners. There was no “natural sovereignty” as western nations understand the term.

    It’s virtually impossible for a Russian President to not support the claims of Russian minorities in old Soviet areas. and seek to readjust borders accordingly.

    Understandably, the Russians see this as their business and understandably resent interference from a US lacking any local knowledge.

    It’s only natural the Trump campaign will attract pro-Russian supporters since the President takes a far more pragmatic attitude toward Russia and the Russian President.

    It would be very surprising if Russian corporations and political organizations didn’t believe assisting the Trump campaign would be in Russia’s best interests and render assistance to further the election of a more sympathetic administration.

    But, none of that is actually illegal.

    Representative Adam Schiff, like most of the anti-Trump forces, still can’t accept the election result.Instead of creating better economic policies and a better party platform to offer the American people, he continues to pursue conspiracy theories.

    It’s this sort of negative, spiteful and irrelevant ranting that cost the Democrats the election. Until they abandon such delusions and formulate credible new policy initiatives that affect the daily lives of American’s, issues the American people really care about, (not what some ideologue thinks they should care about)they will continue in the political wilderness.

    It one thing to invent the evidence for a crime, but when you have to invent the crime as well, it’s just plain silly !

  4. bar says:

    I also read that Russians invested millions in Trump properties, foreign governments rent his properties….. and that the Chinese
    gave him numerous copyrights. I read toward the end of the campaign that there was a computer server in Trump’s building that was connected to Russia.

  5. Silent Running says:

    Bar it appears that where there is smoke there is usually some Fire we w have to wait and see

    Good Wine drinking Political kabookey Theatre playing out.

    There are lots of reports of money washing by Russian Oligarchs into Trumps properties for inflated prices etc. over the years.

    Talks about loans thru the Bank of cyprus and wilbur something is on its board and trumpet made him part of Cabinet.

    Always thought he was and still think he is just a CON man.

    And Mate Marco its not about not getting over the results of the election , hells Bells Holy Ravioli !! I predicted the result in JUNE before the conventions with 4 long time Siciliano Hermanos and Border Vatos.

    Its about moving our nation forward for All and not just the half of 1 % etc. We shall see what happens …..

    Where there is smoke there was a Fire or is a Fire ? Is the Trumpets Trumpet big enough to put it out is the Question perhaps! ? ! ? what a CON job on the people who fell for this.;.

    • Frank R. Eggers says:

      I agree. But see the April “Scientific American”. There is an article entitled “Inside the Echo Chamber” on page 60. It explains how conspiracy theories and other disinformation spread on the Internet and that attempts to show that ideas are wrong, such as the belief that vaccines cause autism, merely strengthen the mistaken beliefs. We are dealing with people who see no value in examining all positions before reaching conclusions. Some people simply are not rational.

      • marcopolo says:


        It always an error to allow ‘desire’ to become the ‘father of the fact’.

        Millions of disgruntled Americans, particularly from the old liberal-left political elite, refuse to accept that the world has changed and delivered a brutal reminder that reality has a habit of demanding a price for complacency and condescendingly taking the electorate for granted.

        Like Craig, instead of examining their own failings and coming to terms with reality, they want to continue partying despite the break of dawn.

        Like night club revelers who resent the night being over, and must leave to face the cold light of day with a hangover, these folk cling to conspiracy theories, in a desperate bid to alter reality and prove they were somehow cheated.

        It’s hard for these people to realize the free spending, no accountability era of US administration is over and will not easily return.

        Consoling themselves with delusions of a ‘coup’ or the administration collapsing for some fanciful reason, is silly and kinda sad.

        This should be a period of serious reflection by the Democrats and Trump opponents, as to what went wrong and why so many rejected their policies.

        Instead it’s a time of silly blame shifting and idiotic conspiracy theories.

        Trump is reveling in the havoc he is causing. He knows his bizarre allegations are cancelled out by the stupidity of his opposition. Trump loses no support from his irritating tweets, (annoying as they are) because the public are inured by now and the media remains addicted to his antics.

        These methods deflect attention from the more serious issues of his economic management and a lack of economic strategic planning.

        He knows he can get by for a couple of years cutting the scandalous excesses of the Obama administration, but that is only newsworthy so long. He needs time to formulate a credible economic plan if he’s to have any hope of a second term.

        The electorate will forgive all his drawbacks and eccentricities, but he must succeed economically to retain popularity.

        Ranting on about Russians is only helping provide the administration with pointless distractions. Likewise obsessing about his phone taps is pointless. It’s impossible to prove or disprove, his enemies will say he’s a liar, his supporters will just say the Washington elite covered it up and the President was right.

        Equally pointless is “proving Trump a liar” ! It hasn’t worked in all this time and bleating on about it doesn’t damage him, and doesn’t add to the electoral appeal of his detractors.

        His real weakness is economic management, instead of defending the deeply misunderstood and unpopular Obamacare, a concerted effort should be made to carefully dissect and explain in purely economic terms the defect in the Republican alternative.

        The obvious defects have become lost in a plethora of ideological and emotive opposition defending Obamacare.

        Democrats would found admitting the unpopularity and defect of Obamacare, and concentrated instead on analyzing what the republican model offered, the offered a better alternative than both.

  6. Silent Running says:

    Mate Marco

    I find some Wisdom in some of what you say.

    My circle thinks the same that most of trumpsters antics are just a smoke screen and diversion and th e4 th estae bankrupt for real information or real news and there are so many other areas of th eeconomy or other areas that are worthy of reporting on well they just start the day with over coverage of these childish antics by Trumpet.

    So many are being played.

    As I said I sit on side lines there are so many rumors and I am sure much is false but the FBI did say they Are Investigating members of Trumps circle and Russia – so trump is upset about that. But only time will tell where that leads.

    As for Obama Care – Mate it was a Republicon plan from the Heritage foundation and the tragic part of the deal is this. The GOp resented it because Obama was Black and they have a deep seated lingering racist streak i n them. they do.
    The obstructed everything he tried to do as well.

    he was too classy a dude and should have taken off the gloves and ran their slogans into the ground but he is was the polite first black president afraid to be the angry black man…. made other mistakes.

    But the Truth be told on Obama Care. The plan was based on getting as many people signed into the risk pool as possible and then the numbers would work and it would stabilize cost increases etc. it
    was under mined by the 11 or 16 GOP governors like the stupid one from Texas the energy Sec Perry who made it a badge of honor to refuse to join the exchanges.

    Please be aware we live in the US and we have had 8 years of constant discussion DAILY on the pros and cons of ACA ( Obama Care is a racist derisive term label the GOP came up as part of their incessant attacks on Pres Obama)

    The GOP has nothing but angry slogans and proclamations for 8 years now they are in power and their plan Hurts 80 % of Truimpers voters and old people etc. It is going to hurt them. We have plenty of money to have a national health care system like you have in Australia and Britain , France and Canada and the rest of the REAL Civilized World.

    Our medical system is the most expensive in the World and we get half the value you folks get.

    So it is just a matter of time when even moderate GOP types will see the Light of Day and go with the Dems on some sort of Universal health Care. The clock is ticking.

    The sad part is that the GOP has no clothes like the emperor has no clothes. Just slogans empty ones too. I listen to the debate daily and they are so divided on this.

    John Kasich, Rick Synder and some other decent GOP Govs did see the Light and they joined the ACA exchanges made it work, live with it and it helps their people.

    Lil marco R put out th ePoison Pill 2 years ago when he took away the props for the Insurance Co that were put in place if a market had issues and needed to get paid for the shortfall. Temporary.

    These were Achilles Heels in the Plan and Lil marco mr family man with the pitiful cuban story that people are getting tired of hearing. Well he undermined that.

    of course that is under reported by the 4 th Estate as they live off the ad revenues from these industries so they can no longer really report the truth.

    So as you said they spend hours and hours going in circles talking about conspiracies and the like. Just like you said. It is kabookey theatre !

    They better deliver on the jobs and the so called economic goals as the Honey Moon is not long. This administration ha snot gotten off to a very good start and they have only them selves to blame.

    This is what happens when your program is based on a Big Con job! period!

    You comments about the DEMs make sense they need to escape their internal Bubble bias and other delusions they suffer from. Talking about the leadership . Not the people. The people are restive and disgusted with what is going on.

    And the Trumperites many of them are beginning to get restless them selves.

    • Frank R. Eggers says:


      I agreed with about 90% of your post. I also think that part of Obama’s problem was having to deal with racism although that would be difficult to prove.

      Another problem we are facing is the support Strumpet is receiving from the “Christian” right. Here is a link to an interesting article on the “thinking” of the “Christian” right:

      The article was written by an employee / official of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State and shows just how bizarre the “Christian” right is. I have been a member of Americans United for many years. Contrary to assertions by the “Christian” right, many members of Americans United are Christians, but they are aware of how both governments and religions are damaged when they become too closely intertwined.

      • Silent Running says:

        Frank we align as many times we do.

        Thank you for sharing that great article from the person who attended a Values voters event It confirmed my suspicions on those extremists. They want to project their bias and prejudices all day long but dont allow others to have same Freedom. Very hard to deal with over the years.

        Good on you for joining such a High Thought level group that stroives to keep America really Free from oppression.

        The so called Values voters have infiltrated a certain segment of the GOP , and th eCorp GOP masters use these people like Trumpet is using these types of people as PAWNS in their big scam game on the american Public.

        The GOP so called health reform Bill is less about health and more about tax breaks BIG tax breaks for very weaaaaaalthy people and it is a income transfer aaaand their is pain for the voters , especially the rural aging trumperites who voted for these guys. They are going to get Hurt hard.

        Trump must get the economy going right he is riding what Obama built and that is real. Let s see how this unravels it could be bigger and Greater than our Wildest Dreams !

        take care thank you again

        They keep closing coal plants so we are winning….racking up the points !!!